In front of me is the work of the famous artist, painter KE Makovsky. In his paintings, he addresses various topics. He has portraits and paintings, and reproduces historical events on the canvas, but especially well, in my opinion, he manages to depict the nature and way of life of people. One such picture is “Children Running from a Thunderstorm”, which combines a sketch of nature and the appearance of village children, their feelings and emotions. Looking at this picture as if you see what happened before it was written and after, you get to the hero with sympathy and empathy. You get along with them, or you become one of them in this meadow during a thunderstorm.
The canvas realistically depicts the countryside of Meadow, grass, forests, dal, all this attracts the eye. Thin bridge, which depicts a village girl, barefoot in a thin dress. Her hair was disheveled by the wind. He is not yet an adult himself, but keeps his brother on his shoulders, hurrying to hide and hide it from a thunderstorm.
I can assume that the children went to the forest for mushrooms or berries, since the girl in her hands holds a basket. And most likely they were already walking toward the house, as they suddenly overtook a thunderstorm. By closeness, we see that there is no shelter, and probably they are far from home. They have nowhere to hide from the storm.
The sky was overcast, and, behold, the rain was coming, which would last long. There is not a single window with enlightenment in the sky. The wind bends the grass and permeates the thin clothes of children. The girl with fear gazes into the sky, probably she saw a flashed lightning, which means that now, the thunder will be thundering. Her brother is quite small and can be frightened of such a natural element.
They are all scared, and they dream to get home soon. But the boy’s eyes show that he is sure that his sister protects him, and everything will be fine. He presses against her. The picture makes you feel empathy and get to the hero with love and trembling. The attitude of the sister to my brother makes me delight.
Painting by Makovsky “Children Running from a Thunderstorm”