1. On the map, determine in which climatic zones are tropical deserts and semi-deserts.
To complete this task, you will need maps of natural zones and climatic zones. Determine in what climatic zones are these natural areas. Why did they form exactly in these climatic zones? The main reason is the average annual rainfall, typical for this climatic zone. Reducing rainfall in the tropics leads to the formation of semi-deserts and deserts.
2. Using the maps, determine the climatic conditions of the desert zone.
Using climate maps, determine the average annual rainfall and average temperatures typical of the tropical climate. The Sahara is a huge desert, the area of which is constantly increasing.
3. Why are savannas replaced by deserts?
The deserts and the equatorial forest zone in Africa are savannahs. Savannahs in Africa are distinguished by the type of vegetation and the qualitative composition of other components, depending on the amount of atmospheric precipitation received. For a more in-depth study of African savannahs, we offer you to independently compare the savannah and woodlands with typical savannas and desert savannas.
Immediately after deserted savannahs, due to further decrease in the amount of precipitation, there are regions of semi-deserts and deserts.
4. What are the characteristics of the rivers in the tropical desert zone?
The rivers flowing through the territory of tropical deserts, lose a lot of water by evaporation and quickly become shallow. Only rivers are full-grown, the upper course of which is located in areas with a higher amount of precipitation.
The rivers and lakes in the desert are a real oasis. Water and life in tropical deserts are inseparable from each other.
Natural areas of Africa