The tree can not grow without reliable roots. In human life, the role of these roots is played by history. We seldom think about the fact that the most ordinary items that we use every day, the language in which we communicate with each other, and much more – all these are pieces of history.
Visible and invisible, history surrounds us from all sides. Every moment a person creates his own history and the history of his people. How often does the past help us in creating the future! Science relies on the results of the discoveries of the past, art uses the themes and plots of works written long ago.
At the lessons of history, I’m always very interested. Our history teacher is a wonderful person. He was a participant of many archaeological expeditions and often brings to his lessons subjects relating to the material culture of the studied peoples: tools, shards, petrified imprints of plants and animals, as well as various albums and cards with images of costumes, architectural monuments. With our teacher we went to the museum of local lore, where he talked very interestingly about the history of our region, about the traditions and customs of the people.
I really enjoy studying history. Now I know that in the course of life a person not only enjoys the historical past, the heritage of ancestors, but he himself creates a story every minute, and hence the future.