My favorite food is composition

There is a good saying: “You are what you eat.” I think that this means that we should be well aware that we eat and choose only healthy food. Today, there are so many products with chemical additives and preservatives. My parents try to buy only natural products that do not contain GMOs. I can not say that I’m a picky eater, but there are some dishes that I like and those that I do not like at all.

For example, I do not tolerate mushrooms or fish in food. Seafood like, but boiled or fried fish is not for me. What is your favorite food? Паста. Parents sometimes say that I need to live in Italy, because I like all the variations of this dish, even boiled, fried, with or without sauce, with bacon, cheese, vegetables, etc. My favorite dish is Carbonara. This dish is based on pasta with white sauce, bacon and parmesan cheese. I can eat it three times a day, and it never bothers me. It’s not hard to cook. All you need is half a kilo of spaghetti, a few slices of bacon, 1 onion, 1 clove of garlic, a little olive oil, 2 or 3 eggs, a pinch of salt and pepper, grated parmesan cheese and 2 tablespoons of fresh chopped parsley.

Spaghetti should be boiled in salted water, then strain and add a tablespoon of olive oil. For the sauce, fry the sliced ​​bacon in a large frying pan until it is slightly crispy. Then we add chopped onions and chopped garlic cloves, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and cook it all for a minute. Then we add whipped eggs, a little cheese, salt and pepper to the pan and cook often turning over. When the sauce is ready, it is added to the spaghetti. The dish is sprinkled with chopped parsley and extra cheese. Serve immediately, until it is cold. I tried a couple of times to cook Carbonara according to this recipe, and it turned out quite tasty.



