Mother Russia

We live in Russia. Many cities and villages are in our country. They have houses and lodges in which people live. They live in families or alone, work and rest, quarrel and love each other. All this is the Russian people.

And if we want to be real citizens of our Motherland, we must understand and respect each other, help in difficult situations, rejoice in happy moments and try to live by one family for the sake of happiness and harmony in our entire great country. Since she is our generous mother, and we are her children.

We all live in different parts of Russia. Everyone knows the beauty and history of his native city or village. And we are happy to share this knowledge. We must always remember that our country is a parental home, where relatives and relatives wait for us with love and hope. This is the place where we always return, wherever we travel in the world. Since the native land gives us strength for life.

Everything that surrounds us: the sky, the sun, the clouds, the month and the stars, the green forests and fertile fields, the people who are near us in joy or in sorrow are what supports us and gives us the strength to live and enjoy life as if warm I’ll kiss my mother.

Mother Russia