Religious problems worried people at all times, but they became especially urgent in our difficult times. After all, we living in the CIS, for many years believed that “religion – opium for the people.” Now there is a revival of religious consciousness. How to understand the diversity of religious trends? Why do we need religion, how does it affect a person? All these questions arise before every person who aspires to improve in life.
In countries where religious tradition has not been interrupted, the choice of religion usually does not become a problem: it is usually determined by family upbringing, national self-education. But what if the soul longs for faith, and around it various religious groups tell how beautiful their religion is, often right on the street or coming to your house? Probably, it’s better not to listen to preachers, but listen to yourself. The choice of religion – a deeply personal matter, intimate, it is contraindicated hubbub and fuss. And we must remember that this choice alone does not guarantee anything, because God and religion are not the same thing. Suffice it to recall LN Tolstoy, excommunicated, but in spite of this, the comprehended God like no one else: “After all, I lived and live only when I feel Him in me and I seek Him.” He is that without which it is impossible to live. So what am I looking for yet? cried a voice in me. To know God and live is one and the same. God is life. “
It is usually believed that a religious person is a moral person. But this is far from the case. Suffice it to recall Judas in the novel by M. Ye. Saltykov-Shchedrin “Lord Golovlev.” The name of God does not descend from his language, he zealously observes all religious rituals, knows by heart the entire order of church service. However, this does not prevent him from bringing his own children to suicide, mending his mother’s property, committing adultery with Evprakseyushka, and sending her to a child’s home to be born. This regularity is manifested even more clearly in AI Kuprin’s novel Olesya. Perebrodsky girls, the lineman Yarmola jealously attend the church, which does not prevent them from being limited and cruel. Olesya does not visit the church, but she has a liveliness of mind, love of everything alive, wholeness and naturalness. Probably, business not in belief in itself, but in that which man believes. And also how a person perceives religion: formally or in its moral content.
Many people are concerned with the question of how religious consciousness is combined with free will. Is religion a relaxed version of totalitarianism? I thought about it, reading F, M. Dostoyevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”. Raskolnikov is a free man, he enjoys the right of his own choice. It’s clear that his crime is not just a denial of faith, but a rebellion against God, because Raskolnikov takes upon himself divine authority, deciding who to live, who not to live.
Is the hero free in his remorse? This is how the investigator Porfiry Petrovich says about this: “Perhaps, God was waiting on this for you.” And further, in direct connection with the question of faith: “I know that I do not believe, but you do not philosophize craftily, give yourself up straight to life, without arguing – do not worry, she will take it to the shore and put it on its feet.” And so, in spite of Raskolnikov’s doubts, we see in the epilogue how “something seemed to catch him and, as it were, threw at her feet.” At this moment, Raskolnikov opens the “dawn of the renewed future and resurrection into a new life.” So, in the world the highest expediency was realized, and the free will of man came in accordance with it.