Love – it seems to be an ordinary word, where only two vowels, three consonant letters and a non-melodic soft sign. Only six letters, and how much sense!
Love is multifaceted and multifarious!
She can hurricane, suddenly burst into the heart and into the soul of a person, drive him crazy, and then it’s ridiculous to wave him an elegant little hand and go away forever.
And can plant in the heart of a small, barely noticeable grain of Love, to grow, groom and cherish it, turning over the years into a big, strong feeling, reminiscent of a thousand-year old oak. This feeling is not terrible for the wind of change, the rain is not frightening from lying tongues and gossip, nor are annoying neighbor caterpillars who sometimes spoil the crown of the Oak of Love. Foliage will fall off, and with them resentment will go away, and feelings will grow, turn green with a new strength, even more beautifully than before.
Love is manyfold.
You live for yourself, you wait for this Love, you cook a delicious dinner, light candles, put on the most beautiful underwear, but it’s not there…
Men pass by without noticing you, and you sob in the pillow, alone, sip a glass of red wine and close your eyes, you see it! The one and only long-awaited! But it’s all there and no…. Your hands are falling, you think that you will be left alone for life. Offended you bend your head and slowly you wander through life, not looking around…. But Love – The lady is cunning, unpredictable, and above all mysterious! One day she will force you to raise your head accidentally, open your eyes and see Him!
Your eyes will meet, your lines of destiny will invisibly intertwine, and your heart will be pierced by a hot arrow, at the tip of which there will be that small, barely noticeable Grass of Love! It will then take root, grow, spread the crown and, turning into a thousand-year-old oak, will protect you all your life!
You go here so near to the beloved in life, he accidentally takes you by the hand, and on your body there is a small tremor, knees are shaken, the head is spinning, and the world around becomes bright and somehow fabulous. The trees are green, green! Snow – white, white! The sky is blue, blue, and the air is filled with the fragrance of roses! It all seemed like the first time, as if there had not been these twenty years!
It happens, of course, that the Lady of Love becomes bored, the sea of flowers, the tenderness and kisses, and she takes off her gently pink fluffy dress and puts on camouflage.
That’s when love is not to laugh. Love, checking its elects for strength, pushes some Weed out to the Piece of Love, which suffocates it and prevents it from developing. Then the hearts of lovers are filled with hatred for each other…. They scandal, swear, and then…. Then they just keep silent and move away…. More Love’s Granny does not torment their souls, does not whisper kind words, it barely audible cries in depth of soul: “Forgive, stay close! Let’s start all over again!” But the lovers have already managed to distance themselves from each other, they no longer hear the quiet screams of the little Love Grinder. And Weed sprouts and takes up the whole place in the heart, where for love there is no place….
That’s how heartless people appear…. Evil and indifferent.
But it also happens that the barely audible, exhausted voice is still heard, and the swaggering Weed is ripped from the root! Then grateful grain of Love grows with renewed vigor! Mistress of Love puts on a new snow-white ball gown and circling lovers in the waltz of a waltz!
Love is multifaceted.
In the heart of a person there is a place not only for his second half, but also for his child, whether he is a tiny or already an adult mature person. There is a place for parents, for grandfather and grandmother, for all close people. And sometimes Love can do real miracles! You can love everything: animals, birds, trees, flowers, as well as the blue sea, blue sky, spring rain or the first snow! The main thing is not to let the Weeds get into the heart and grow there, not let them throw out their heinous seeds!
The seed of Love, planted once in the heart of man, must turn into a thousand-year-old oak and be passed on from generation to generation. Then our world will become kinder, more comfortable and lighter, and Weeds will have no place in the hearts of people.