Let’s be kinder!

In the word “kind” – native, Slavic root. He is connected not only with the modern concept of kindness. Let us recall how often this word occurs in Russian folk poetry, in the works of Russian writers and poets. “Good fellow”, “good horse”, “good deeds”, “good people”, etc. The mighty good fellows defended the country and the people from foreign enemies and their Idols of the Pogans, their good horses were faithful comrades in battle, good deeds folk heroes were sung in the epics. “Hurry to a good deed,” – says the Russian proverb.

Do we always hurry? Once in the newspaper was posted an article about a young married couple Ilyins, who adopted seven orphaned children from one and a half to nine years old whose mother died. Another married couple, elderly pensioners, having learned of such a noble deed, collected all their savings and came from far away to Ilin to help them. The elderly asked to consider them also members of the family, the children were called grandchildren. The manifestation of such kindness is equivalent to a feat! Not everyone is capable of it, and no one has the right to demand such a claim. But how often do we provide those services that do not require us to do much?! “Good morning,” – we say to an old lonely neighbor, who hardly descends from the fourth floor. And if you offer him to buy bread, vegetables, milk? Then it will be good for him not only the morning, but the whole day. At the side of the road is blind, not daring to cross a wide highway, where the uninterrupted flow of transport moves. Do we always offer our help in such cases? Do we often turn to ourselves the expression “be kind”, with which we appeal almost every day to others? You want to fix the door to the entrance, which hangs on one loop, landslide the area near the house, to see a friend in the hospital, to come out with the conviction of a scoundrel – do it, do not delay.



