- In Africa, latitudinal zoning of the natural zones is clearly traced, which is mirrored on both sides of the equator. The main natural areas of the continent are damp equatorial forests, savannas and light forests, tropical deserts. Wet equatorial forests of Africa are located on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea and in the basin of the Congo. In the conditions of a warm and humid equatorial climate, red-yellow ferralitic soils were poor in nutrients. Wet equatorial forests are evergreen and multi-tiered. They amaze with the richness of vegetation. Typical representatives of the animal kingdom: monkeys, birds, numerous insects. Savannah and woodlands occupy the largest area in all of Africa’s natural areas. They are located in both hemispheres mainly within the subequatorial climatic zone, therefore in this zone the two seasons are dry and wet. Soil soils are more fertile than wet equatorial forests. From the equator, they vary from red ferrallite to reddish-brown and reddish-brown soils. The vegetation of the savannah is diverse. All plants are adapted to the hardships of the long dry season. Herbs predominate. Among the trees the best known are baobab, umbellate acacia, milkweed, aloe. The savannah fauna is also rich. Especially numerous are ungulates. They are hunted by lions, cheetahs, leopards. Their size is the African elephant, giraffe, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, African ostrich. The deserts and semi-deserts of Africa are in areas of dry and hot tropical climate. The largest desert in the world – the Sahara – occupies most of North Africa. In the southern part of the continent, the coastal Namib desert and the Kalahari semi-desert were formed. Tropical desert soils are infertile. The vegetation cover of the deserts is very rarefied. Among the animals, lizards, snakes, turtles, insects predominate. Evergreen hardwood forests and shrubs are located in the extreme north and south of Africa near the coast of the seas in the areas of the subtropical climate. On fertile brown soils, Lebanese cedar, pine, cypress, olive and other evergreen trees and shrubs grow here. Evergreen hardwood forests and shrubs are located in the extreme north and south of Africa near the coast of the seas in the areas of the subtropical climate. On fertile brown soils, Lebanese cedar, pine, cypress, olive and other evergreen trees and shrubs grow here. Evergreen hardwood forests and shrubs are located in the extreme north and south of Africa near the coast of the seas in the areas of the subtropical climate. On fertile brown soils, Lebanese cedar, pine, cypress, olive and other evergreen trees and shrubs grow here.
Key facts on the topic “Natural areas of Africa”