1. Prove, using the example of the Zambezi River and the lakes of Tanganyika and Chad, that rivers and lakes depend on terrain and climate.
In order to prove the dependence that exists between the inland waters and the relief, it is necessary to trace the nature of the flow of rivers and the shape of the lakes. Mountain rivers differ from the plains with a rapid current, high banks, the presence of rapids and waterfalls. Lake Tanganyika, located along the line of the Great African Rift, has a long, meridian-shaped form. The length of the lake is almost 10 times its width.
The nature of the climate depends on the abundance of rivers and lakes, the regime of their filling with water. One of the main sources of food for rivers and lakes are atmospheric precipitation. Therefore, we can safely say that rivers and lakes located in the equatorial climate are more abundant in comparison with rivers and lakes located within a tropical desert climate.
Shallow Lake Chad, located within the subequatorial climatic belt, periodically changes its shape, increasing and decreasing by half. This transformation is associated with the frequency of incoming water from the rivers flowing into the lake. Thus, we see the apparent dependence that exists between relief, climate and internal waters.
2. Give a description of the Zambezi River.
The sequence of actions for this task is as follows:
Determine in which part of the continent the river flows; Determine where its source and mouth are; Determine the direction of the river and its tributaries; Determine the dependence of the nature of the flow on the relief; Identify the sources of power and the regime of the river; Identify the forms of economic use of the river.
3. What cards do you use to describe the river?
To complete this task, you will need physical and climatic maps, as well as a map of natural areas.