For a long time, the nature of the Earth was able to overcome the negative effects of various types of pollution by self-purification. But from the second half of XX century. the amount of waste and hazardous substances that enter the environment is rapidly increasing, so the natural complexes of continents and oceans no longer have time to process them. Pollution of the environment becomes dangerous for people’s health. In the most polluted areas, especially in big cities and industrial centers, the number of dangerous diseases is increasing: cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, etc., are emerging. The chemical substances widely used in many branches of the economy are a significant danger. As a result of accidents at enterprises, poisonous substances can cause serious illnesses.
Deterioration of the state of the environment leads to an exacerbation of environmental problems. Depending on the scale of their distribution, they are conventionally divided into local, regional and global. Local environmental problems concern a certain territory. For example, emergency emissions from enterprises of harmful substances into the atmosphere or water bodies. Regional problems cover large areas. Regional environmental problems include pollution of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, pollution of large rivers and lakes, forest fires
The most important and most dangerous in its results are global environmental problems, covering most of the earth’s surface. Now, the world level has already reached such problems: pollution of the environment: depletion of mineral resources: energy problems; reduction of arable land. Anxiety is caused by changes in the gas composition of the atmosphere, destruction of the ozone layer, deforestation and an increase in deserts.
International organizations for the protection of nature. Circulation of air masses in the atmosphere or water in the World Ocean, as already noted, does not take into account state borders. Therefore, international cooperation is needed to preserve the nature and rational use of its resources. On the basis of general agreements, programs and projects are developed to reduce the negative consequences of human intervention in nature. In 1968, the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources was established, which introduced the registration of rare and endangered species of plants and animals in the Red Book. Now Red books are available in most countries of the world. In 1976, the Red Book of Ukraine was created. Its content increases with each reissue. Since 1971, at the initiative of the United Nations, the International Program Man and the Biosphere has been introduced and is operating. Within its framework in all regions of the world, comprehensive long-term studies of the impact of human activities on the biosphere are carried out with the determination of the negative impact of anthropogenic processes on human health. Much attention in the program is paid to the use of water bodies, lands and forest resources, creation and maintenance of reserves.
For more than 30 years, the international public environmental organization Greenpeace has been actively working. With their protest actions against the barbaric attitude to natural resources and the production of toxic substances, Greenpeace has gained many supporters in various countries around the world. The UN has developed a special program – UNEP, whose task is to conduct a comprehensive study of environmental problems. From internationally renowned international organizations, the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources and the World Wildlife Fund are also committed to their environmental activities. Only joint activities of states allow more accurate assessment of changes in nature and develop measures to preserve and improve the state of the natural environment.