If I were the mayor

Increasingly, each of us, standing on the verge of a big life, asks himself questions: “Who am I? What can I do? What is my place in life?” What will become for me a profession: a matter that I will give my whole life without, the means for existence or place of serving time? ” And if I became mayor.
The mayor is a very serious and responsible post. Here works a man – a patriot, who loves his city, people living in it. He realizes his great responsibility to the residents, who entrusted their destinies to him. He, occupying such a position, the only specialty – a great man, real. He does his best not to disappoint his voters. This is exactly what I want to become. And while I’m studying, I’m watching the changes taking place in Rossosh.
Much good has been done in the city, but I live next to the registry office and every Saturday, returning from school, I watch the joyful couple. Happy faces of the bride and groom, looking at each other with enamored eyes. And how frustrating they are that the wedding hall is very small. In this solemn moment not all guests can fit there. I would have built a beautiful Wedding Palace, so that people would fall into the atmosphere of a real celebration. After all, it is there that a new family life begins, it is there that strong relations are created, there is a source of well-being, peace of mind and love.
Everyone knows that the fruit of a married life is children – the flowers of life. I believe that in the city it is necessary to build an entertainment center for the whole family. I want it to have different games, balls, slides, sweets! That it was possible to have a rest with all family.
There is a lot of greenery in our city. He is buried in a sea of ​​flowers. How much the streets have changed. Recently we have “grown up” a new temple, the “Ice Arena”. We are proud of our Italian garden and the sports complex “Chemist”.
But teenagers are fond of alcohol, glossy magazines, gambling, smoking, which gradually decays society. I believe that our generation needs to be interested.
First of all, I would create several youth organizations, each of which would be responsible for something of their own, put forward their plans, defended positions, coordinating this all with the city administration.
It would be nice if young people were interned in foreign companies abroad, Friendship trains would be revived, so that the guys from different cities could learn about each other’s culture and customs.
In our city there is a wonderful art school. Talented children are many. We win in international competitions! But the children huddle in small classes. I would fix it and give a separate beautiful building, so that it was like a house, like a fairy tale. To small and large children like to go there, so that they draw inspiration and go to the open air.
No wonder I created a teenage television studio. I regularly watch “STS Rossosh” and “Media Alliance”, which, of course, talk about the problems of the city, but not through the eyes of children, but through the eyes of adults. And not only is it necessary to open a studio, but also a publishing house for children’s creativity, where works written by children would be published, because there are so many “gifted” teenagers who write amazing tales, poems and stories!
We must not forget about those who can not live a full life.
When a disabled child feels isolated from his peers, he becomes isolated, which prevents him from developing. And if he feels “his own man,” then he will be happy
Many have their own and loved grandfathers and grandmothers who always try to help, who love when we come to visit. They are very wise and vulnerable. I would take care of the elderly. It was they, who had passed through a difficult but heroic path, namely to them, who had stood and won during the Great Patriotic War, it was they who loved their homeland and glorified it, we owe it to our birth. I would have done everything so that our old people did not survive, but lived with dignity, would rejoice at every day that was released.
I know for sure that it is very difficult to be the mayor of the city, because he is responsible not only for himself, for his actions, but for the life of every resident. Therefore, first of all, you need to study well in the Lyceum, get an education in order to work adequately in this post. I believe that my dreams will come true, and I will choose the profession that will interest me. I want to bring benefits and joy to people!



