“I can die on the street”

Reflecting on art somehow, Stendhal suggested the following: “Every artist must look at nature in his own way.” What can be more stupid than looking at the nature borrowed from another person, and sometimes at a person with a completely opposite character. ” The writer followed this statement to the end of his life, creating his works, which today are “letters to the future.”

After the completion of the Parma Cloister, Stendhal is full of new creative ideas and ideas. However, old age was imperceptibly approaching, and most of his plans remained incomplete. Roman “Lumiel” and remained lying on the writer’s desk unfinished and was published only many years later. The Italian chronicle “Sister Scholastica” is the last manuscript that Stendhal ruled.

In the last years of the writer’s life, gloomy thoughts were increasingly visited. He drew pistols on the margins of his endless notebooks, and only an optimistic world-view and his interest in various manifestations of life kept Stendhal from fatal shooting.

November 8, 1841 the writer wrote in his diary the following phrase: “There is nothing funny in the fact that I can die on the street.” Stendhal really died on the street on March 23, 1842. During the walk, he fell, struck with an apoplectic blow. The next day, French newspapers placed a brief message that… the little-known German poet Friedrich Stindahl was buried in the cemetery of Montmartre.

Once Stendhal jokingly remarked: “They will read me in 1935”. However, less than ten years after the death of the writer, his creative work was “discovered” by the popular literary critic and philosopher-positivist Ippolit Ten for himself and all reading France. He wrote: “I am looking for words in order to determine the character of Stendhal’s mind, and it seems to me that these words are” an outstanding mind “.” Emile Zola, who considers himself the heir of the realistic tradition, recalling Stendhal as one of his teachers, stressed: “No one has mastered the mechanism of the human soul in this way.” And in the middle of XX century. Louis Aragon declared: “Stendhal is the writer of the future, we really want to hope that you, after the great skeptic and humanist of the 20th century, Anatole France, can say:” We love Stendhal,



