Hurry to do good
They say: “Beauty will save the world!” I would add: “Beauty and kindness will save the world!” The etymology of the word “good” changed. There was a time when the Slavs judged the appearance and beauty of a man with this word. Therefore, beauty and kindness are very close words: a kind person is always beautiful.
Good deeds of people were highly appreciated at all times. When we talk about good deeds, the activity of those who do not fly to the world to save people from disease, teach children, help victims of disasters, etc. comes to mind. Good deeds are also the charity of rich people who built gymnasiums on their own money and schools, opened and maintained free hospitals and homes for the elderly, financially supported talents and helped to educate poor young people. But if each of us will postpone good deeds before the emergence of critical life situations or until he accumulates large capital, then it is possible to be late.
I remembered a short story-parable of IS Turgenev “Two rich men”. The writer pays tribute and extols the rich man Rothschild, who allocates a lot of money to raise orphans, to treat patients, to support
Concluding the composition, I want to say: this phrase is very true: “Hurry to do good!” Do not wait until you become rich, like Rothschild. Good deeds. These are kind words, help to the old people, and support of friends. Think about it: when was the last time you gave your mother flowers? And when helped her in the household? How long has Grandma visited? Do you call your grandfather regularly, do you share your problems with him? Did you help your younger sister when she asked you for help, or did she dissuade herself from her eternal employment? Did you visit a sick friend? This is all and much more, my coeval, you can do today. Do not put off good deeds for the future!