How to resist injustice

The pursuit of justice is the eternal dream of man. Do you remember how the main character of the folk tale “About Truth and Revenge” searched tirelessly for justice? The greatest test for him was life deprivation, poverty. But from disappointments and despair he was saved by the truth that the villains so carefully tried to hide. Realizing that his worries were so miserable in comparison with the sufferings of hundreds of innocent people, he ventured to resist the wry – and overpowered her. The treasury of human experience is rich in instructive stories about how to resist injustice. In one of them is told about a man who, standing in front of the gates of hell, firmly believed that he was there wrongly. “I’m a decent person,” he urged, “I’ve done nothing wrong in my whole life trying to stay away from bad deeds.” I saw, as some offended others, but he did not take part in this. I witnessed how people rioted and accused each other of this. But I did not succumb to temptation and did nothing. Never. “But when they heard this story in hell, they were very happy to see the newcomer, noticing that he fell into his place, for a good person can not simply observe injustice – he tries to resist it.

So, to promote justice is first of all to resist injustice by a truthful word, indifference, own activity.

Everyone in his life thinks about how to do it. Ask yourself and each other about this.

How to resist injustice