How I trained a doggie

I have long asked my parents for a dog. And they promised to give me a puppy, if I finish the academic year well. True, they warned in advance that they had no time to engage in his upbringing. So, this difficult duty will be assigned to me. I agreed and even took a book about dogs in the library.

And at the beginning of the summer a puppy of the dratkhar breed appeared in our apartment. It’s a pokey dog, very smart, a good hunter. We called it Utah.

From the book I learned that at first the dog should learn to perform three main commands: “Sit”, “Lie down”, “To me.” It is important to teach the animal at an early age, then the skills will be sustainable.

When Utah was six months old, we started training. I loudly gave the command, then I helped the puppy fulfill it and immediately rewarded with a piece of meat. Utah was very smart and in a few days almost always did the unmistakable thing that was required of her. I was pleased. When Utah turned a year, we complicated our training: now she had to bring the wand I had thrown. The dog did not immediately understand what to do with this object. She willingly ran for the stick, but then she began to play with her. However, after several days of training, Utah learned this task and enjoyed it with pleasure.

I’m very interested in my dog. She is a loyal friend and a talented student.



