Holidays, shows, entertainment in Byzantium

The Byzantines skillfully spent their leisure time. They celebrated Christian holidays, especially Easter, but they did not renounce “devil’s play” – pagan holidays and rituals. So, on the night of January 1, Calendas were celebrated, and a few days earlier – Brumalii, the shortest days of the year. Men dressed as women, women as men, singers danced and danced, begging for presents. On the eve of the Trinity, mermaids celebrated the spring holiday of flowers. It was accompanied by games, dances, “jumping”, and sometimes – and fights. All Byzantium celebrated the day of the coronation of the emperor, his marriage, the birth of the heir. Of course, organized and family holidays – christening, betrothal, wedding, etc.

The Byzantines were very fond of sports competitions, especially horse racing at the Hippodrome. Even monks went to look at the horse races. Sports fans broke up into groups – “blue” and “green.” These groups actively participated in the political life of the state. At the end of the XII century. Byzantium got acquainted with the knight tournaments.

The ancient theater in Byzantium was not revived. But there were artists. On the streets, they played comic scenes, not always decent. The audience was entertained by rope walkers, jugglers, animal and bear trainers.

The nobles were fond of hunting with greyhounds and falcons, were amused by playing checkers, chess, and bones.

Hippodrome – a place for conducting equestrian competitions.

Holidays, shows, entertainment in Byzantium