History of Khreshchatyk and its everyday life

1. What is the history of the central street of Kiev – Khreshchatyk?

In Ukraine, probably, there is no person who would not know about this street. Khreshchatik belongs to the fame of the main street of Kiev, its symbol. Khreshchatyk is sung in verse and songs, is depicted in pictures, is shown in many films. A walk along Khreshchatyk is present in the mandatory program of tourists stay in Kiev. However, for this ancient city, which is Kiev, this street is quite young.

From princely times until the beginning of the 19th century. Kiev consisted of three separate parts, each of which lived its own life. The princes, the boyars, the vigilantes lived on Mount – in the upper part of the city. Long ago life was raging in two other city parts of Kiev: Podol, located between the Mountain and the Dnieper, and on Pechersk, where the Kiev-Pechersky Monastery appeared in 1051. To Pechersk in the second half of the 18th century. added Limes. In the early 19th century. all three parts joined together. The new center of Kiev was Khreshchatyk – a street that arose on the site of the former Khreschatyk Yar on the border, where the earthen ramparts of princely times came to an end and the private manors of Lipok began.

Develop Khreshchatyk as a street began in the 30-40’s in the 19th century. In the 70-80’s of the 19th century. on Khreshchatyk was built mainly three-story houses with shops, premises for offices and banks, etc. It was then that Khreshchatyk became the main street of the city.

On the street there were all kinds of administrative institutions, the main post office and telegraph. It was here that the best shops, hotels, cinemas, clubs and publishers, the largest Kiev banks. The buildings on Khreshchatyk were decorated with metal details, stucco, mirror showcases. The street was beautifully lit – first with kerosene and gas lamps, and since 1900 – electric. In 1892 along the street were laid two tracks of a steam tram. You already know about the first electric tram that connected Khreshchatyk with Podol.

During the Second World War, almost all the houses of the street were destroyed. Resumed and reconstructed Khreshchatyk throughout 1948-1957.

The central place of Khreshchatyk is the Independence Square. It is traditionally established a New Year tree, they hold folk festivals and festivals.

2. As sources of 60 – 80-ies of the 19th century. talk about the everyday life of Khreshchatyk?

“There are two confectioneries under the firm” Odessa “and” Iasi “to the number of innovations in the city: the first one is furnished with no frills, although it can receive everything at reasonable prices and it accepts orders for everything, the second looks entirely aristocratic, and without Exaggerations can be said that such an establishment would be considered the first place in the capital, not to mention the cakes, sweets, different cookies made in this confectionery, its interior is luxurious, the furniture is soft, on the springs, the ladies’ room is full of tropical plants.

In addition to these confectioneries, there is another one under the firm “Swiss”. It has its own special character, it receives several very well-selected periodicals. In anticipation of the newspapers read, some people drink chocolate, coffee or a punch, others play billiards. Apprentice here, apparently, is a great expert on his business: he has daily new varieties of cakes, sweets and everything, made with such a taste that the gourmet and admirer of treats my advice is to bypass the “Swiss confectionery”. “

“In Kiev, there are many confectioneries where you can taste good chocolate, coffee, tea, ice cream and soft drinks.” Semadeni “confectionery is especially popular., In the afternoon, between 11 and 3 hours, the confectionery is crowded with a specific crowd of Kiev merchants and dealers who have arranged here something like a stock exchange, an outsider visitor will feel uncomfortable in this environment. “



