In the material world, you can not put much in the material world. In the realm of spiritual values, it is not so: in a smaller one, much more can be accommodated, and if in a large try to fit a small one, then the big one will simply cease to exist.
If a person has a great goal, then it should manifest itself in everything – in the most seemingly insignificant. You have to be honest in the inconspicuous and accidental: then only be honest and in fulfilling your great duty. A big goal covers the whole person, affects every act of him, and one can not think that bad means can achieve a good goal.
The saying “the end justifies the means” is disastrous and immoral. This was well demonstrated by Dostoevsky in Crime and Punishment. The main character of this work, Rodion Raskolnikov, thought that by killing an abominable old woman, a usurer, he would get money to which he would then be able to achieve great goals and bestow humanity, but suffers an internal collapse. The goal is far and unrealizable, but the crime is real; It is terrible and can not be justified by anything. It is impossible to strive for a high goal with low means. You have to be equally honest in both the big and the small.
The general rule: to observe big in small – it is necessary, in particular, and in a science. Scientific truth is the most precious, and it must be followed in all details of scientific research and in the life of a scientist. If one strives in science for “small” purposes – to prove “by force”, contrary to facts, to “interestingness” of conclusions, to their effectiveness or to any forms of self-promotion, then the scientist inevitably crashes. Maybe not right away, but in the long run! When the exaggeration of the results of the research begins, or even minor juggling of facts and scientific truth is pushed into the background, science ceases to exist, and the scientist sooner or later ceases to be a scientist.