Category: Geography

  • Relief and minerals of North America

    1. Explain the location of large relief forms on the mainland. Why are the Cordilleras located in the west of the mainland? Map the physical map of North America with a map of the structure of the earth’s crust. The North American platform is expressed in relief by the Central and Great Plains, and the…

  • Tropical deserts and semi-deserts of Africa

    Where the dry period lasts sometimes year-round, and short-term rains fall irregularly, lies the natural zone of tropical deserts and semi-deserts. The largest area in Africa, it occupies the Northern Hemisphere. Here, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea for 5000 km wide stripe from west to east extends the Sahara desert. In southern…

  • Nature, population and countries of Oceania

    1. Explain the relationship of the size, geographic location, terrain and mineral resources of the islands to their origin. Islands can be formed by separation from the mainland. Such islands are called continental islands. The size of such islands is quite large compared with the islands of volcanic and coral origin. The mainland islands are…

  • Minerals of Eurasia

    In Eurasia, there are all kinds of minerals that humanity uses. This is due to the size of the continent and the complex structure of the earth’s crust. Large deposits of iron ore are discovered in France, on the Scandinavian Peninsula, on the Eastern European Plain, in Kazakhstan, Siberia, on the Dekan plateau in India.…

  • Population and political map of Oceania

    The settlement of the islands of Oceania began many millennia ago. There are various hypotheses of the origin of the peoples of Oceania. Some scientists believe that the settling of the islands began the representatives of the equatorial race from the Eurasian mainland. Others, for example, the Norwegian scientist Thor Heyerdahl, argue that Oceania was…

  • Interesting facts about “Africa”

    Africa from Europe is separated by a narrow Strait of Gibraltar, whose width is 14 km. In ancient times this strait was called the Hercules pillars. Later, the Arabs who conquered Spain named the Jebel Tal Garik Strait, the Tarika mountain, named after an Arab commander who in 711 crossed the strait at the head…

  • The importance of natural conditions and natural resources for the existence of mankind

    A person’s life outside nature is impossible. To ensure its existence, human society uses both natural and natural conditions. The natural conditions include the components of nature that affect the life and economic activities of the population. First of all, it concerns climate and relief. It is the climatic conditions that make it possible to…

  • Minerals of South America

    The wealth and diversity of minerals in South America are due to the structure of the earth’s crust. Their origin and location is associated with tectonic structures, the activities of the internal and external forces of the Earth. In the folded areas and shields of the ancient platforms, mainly find ore minerals of igneous origin.…

  • General information about Australia

    The area of ​​the continent is 7.687 million km2. The population is 20.1 million people. The highest point on the sea level is Kosciusko. The lowest point from the sea level is the lake. Air. The average height above sea level is 215 m. The longest coral reef is the Great Barrier Reef The largest…

  • Population and economy of the Volga region

    1. What features of the population were influenced by the Volga and its tributaries? At all times, the development of territories and resettlement went on the rivers. In the forest regions the rivers were the main transport arteries, and water supply is necessary for the management of any economy and life in general. Fisheries and…