Category: Geography

  • Agroindustrial complex of Russia

    1. Why are the main branches of the AIC of Russia not fully fulfilling their function – do they not meet the needs of the population? The main problem of the domestic agro-industrial complex is obsolete ways of storing and processing products, poor organization of transportation and marketing. In addition, the yields of our fields…

  • Mixed and deciduous forests in Eurasia

    The zone of mixed forests does not form a continuous band. It is located only in the west and east of the mainland. Mixed forests are common in the north of Ukraine. Here, coniferous and deciduous tree species grow on soddy-podzolic soils. Of coniferous pine and spruce, of deciduous – oak, linden, maple prevail. In…

  • Common questions to the country China

    1. Why is the economic activity of Western and Eastern China different? Differences in the economic activities of the population of Western and Eastern China are associated with a sharp difference in the relief, climate and other components of nature. Mountainous and deserted Western China and the damp and plains of East China have a…

  • Altitude zonation of the mountains of Eurasia

    The change in the altitude belts depends on the natural zone at the foot of the mountains and their height. Thus, in the north of Eurasia, four belts are replacing each other from the foot to the top: forests, cedar pine belt, mountain tundra and perennial snow. With the advance to the south, the number…

  • General information about the Arctic Ocean

    The ocean area is 14.1 million km2. The maximum depth is 5527 m. Quantity is fashion -11. The largest seas are the Greenland, Norwegian, Kara, and Beaufort. The largest bay is the Hudson. The largest islands and groups of islands are Greenland, the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Spitsbergen, Novaya Zemlya. The most powerful currents are Norvazhskoye,…

  • Common questions to Africa

    1. Why is it important to know the geographic location of the continent? What are the characteristics of the geographical location of Africa? Geographical position is the leading concept in geography. Other geographic characteristics also depend on the geographic location. Africa can be called the warmest continent based only on the characteristics of its geographical…

  • Plan for the study of the continent

    Physico-geographical position: the area of ​​the continent, its location relative to the equator, the zero meridian, the tropics and polar circles, seas and oceans, other continents; extreme points; the length of the continent from north to south and from west to east. History of discovery and exploration of the continent. The structure of the earth’s…

  • The structure of the earth’s crust of Australia

    Australia is located in the central part of the Indo-Australian lithospheric plate. Consequently, this is the only continent on which there are no active volcanoes, and earthquakes occur very rarely and do not have destructive power. Australia, like Africa, is the remnant of the ancient mainland of Gondwana, about 180 million years ago split into…

  • Common questions to countries in South America

    1. How does the geographical position of Brazil affect its nature? Brazil is a huge country, occupying the fifth place in the world in terms of territory size and population. On the territory of Brazil there are four natural zones, but the contrast of the nature of the Amazonian lowland and the Brazilian plateau is…

  • Australia is the only state on the mainland

    On the mainland there is a single state – Australia. It is a highly developed country that occupies a whole continent. It is located far from Europe, but technological progress in the field of communication and transport has brought it closer to other countries. Currently, 20.1 million people live in Australia. The bulk of the…