General information on South America

The area is 17.8 million km2.

The population is -370 million people.

The length of the coastline is 26 thousand km.

The highest point above sea level is in Aconcagua.

The lowest point from the sea level is the Valdez Peninsula.

The longest river is the Amazon from Ucayali.

The largest lake is Maracaibo.

The largest island is Tierra del Fuego.

On a map, South America resembles a huge triangle, most of which is located in the Southern Hemisphere. It is the wettest continent of the Earth, different, but also similar to Africa and Australia.

This is the mainland, where the highest volcano of the world is located, the most full-flowing river, the highest waterfall, the largest lake in the area. In the western part, there are more than 1000 earthquakes every year, and in the eastern part they do not even know what it is. Only here are found the freshwater dolphin and the American cameless camel – lama, giant water boa – anaconda and the largest predatory bird of the world – condor. This is the mainland that gave the world corn, potatoes, tomatoes, pineapples, cocoa, pumpkins, beans, chicken and rubber trees. This is the mainland, where modern cities-giants with corners of virgin nature adjoin, where one can still meet tribes not familiar with the achievements of civilization.

In Europeans, South America is associated with Brazilian carnivals, samba, soccer players, virtuosos, coffee, rubber, piranhas, jaguars.

General information on South America