General information about the Atlantic Ocean

The ocean area is 91.7 million km2.

The maximum depth is 8742 m.

Number of seas -16.

The largest seas are Sargasso and the Caribbean. The Mediterranean.

The largest bay is Mexican.

The largest islands and groups of islands are Great Antilles, Great Britain, Newfoundland, Iceland, Ireland.

The most powerful currents are the Gulf Stream, the Brazilian, the Northern and Southern trade-winds; Benguela, Labrador, Canary, Western winds.

The Atlantic Ocean was formerly known as the “Western”. People were amazed by the size of the ocean and named it in honor of Atlanta – one of the heroes of Greek mythology. However, the Atlantic is the second largest ocean on the Earth. It collects the fresh water of rivers from the largest part of the land. At the same time, the Atlantic Ocean is very salty. It has a wide connection with the cold Arctic and Antarctic waters.

The Atlantic Ocean recorded the highest altitude of tides: in the area of ​​the Bay of Fundy. located in the east of North America, the tidal wave reaches 18 m.



