Composition “Spring Flowers”

No sooner had the last snowdrift melted, as grasses, branches and timid spring flowers stretched toward the sun, the composition of which is offered to the attention of the reader. Elegant heads of snowdrops

Songbird Contest

Long ago, when there were no tape recorders, the rich and not so Muscovites tried to fill the boring silence with the help of a variety of feathered vocalists: nightingales, oatkins, starlings, goldfinches. The

My friend Andrey

Andrei and I are friends. We sit at one desk from the first class. Sometimes we do lessons together, we walk. This does not mean that we never quarrel with him, but we have

Tyumen region

Russia is vast and immense! There are many beautiful corners in it, new and ancient cities, good people… This is our common great Motherland. But the dearest to the heart are the places where

Our school

Our school is a modern two-story building of a typical project. It is located in the center of the city on a picturesque street, named after our great Ukrainian poetess Lesia Ukrainka. Before the

Writing what is the meaning of life

People thought about the meaning of life from the most ancient times. However, there is no consensus as to what the meaning of life is all about. Probably, each of us has it’s own.

“My future profession is a psychologist” essay

Like all children, the answer to the question of adults “Who do you want to be when you grow up?” I changed almost every day: when I was little, I wanted to be both

“My favorite room” composition

We live in a big beautiful house. It has five rooms and a kitchen with a dining room. Each room we have is unusual, it corresponds to the image, style and desires of its

Whoever loves must share the fate of the one whom he loves

Through the entire novel Bulgakov’s “Master and Margarita” is the leitmotif of Mercy of Margarita, a charity dictated by great love. Her feeling is overwhelming and boundless. Therefore, the phrase given in the title

Composition on the theme “Mother’s Day”

For each of us, the most precious person in life is, of course, my mother. After all, it was Mother who gave us life, it’s mother who is always gentle and attentive to us.
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