Composition “The Seasons”

All four seasons are unique in their own way, each of them has its own special features that every year surprise with their beautiful phenomena. Every person has his favorite season. Some like the

Autumn is the best time of year

In my opinion, autumn is the best time of the year. Each month is good in its own way. Withering nature in September is full of sad charm. The foliage changes green to yellow,

School biology cabinet

I go to the school room. There are many colors in it, they stand on the windowsills, on a table near the wall, hang from suspended flowerpots. The leaves are clean, shiny. In the

The composition on the theme of the meaning of human life

What is the meaning of life? Many people, many generations, thought about this philosophical question, but no definite answer was found. The fact is that each person has his own position, which mainly depends

Education in Canada

The school system of Canada is very similar to the US system, but there are some differences. Education in Canada is general and compulsory for children from 6 to 16 years, and in some

How are respect and dignity connected?

In the most ancient monument of our writing – “The Tale of Bygone Years” – there is a story about a fearless warrior, Prince Svyatoslav. All his life this military commander spent in military

A work on the theme of Radupp

The enchanting tranquility of the flowering meadow was suddenly disturbed as if from nowhere by the pouring rain that washed every blade of grass and every flower bud. A picturesque composition about the rainbow

Composition on My Country

In Ukraine, I was born, growing, learning, hence my kind. I love its picturesque open spaces, fields, fields, rivers, forests and mountains. To love your country you must learn a lot of traveling. Did

What are the epics

Bylina is a folk-epic song written in tonic verse. Each work consists of a song, a beginning and an ending. The first part of the epic was rarely associated with the main storyline, basically

What does it mean to be happy writing

What is happiness? This question is asked, perhaps, by each person at a certain stage of his life. But is it possible to unequivocally answer it? Is there a general definition of happiness that
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