One day my mother asked me what I want to become when I grow up. This question made me think, because never before I thought about what profession I will choose in the future.
The social structure of society is not only a set of interconnected social groups, but also social institutions and relations between them. What is a social institution? The social institution is a historically established
I am proud of my homeland. This is a multiethnic state of Kazakhstan. It occupies the ninth place in the world in terms of the size of the territory! Kazakhstan is a big state
I want to talk in more detail about the key topic of the day, whose name is “Greed.” And I’m sure that it is necessary, first of all, to me). Wikipedia says: “greed is
WHO TO BE? I have a year growing, there will be seventeen. Where to work for me then what to do? The right employees are carpenters and carpenters! To work furniture is tricky: first
All people in memories forever have a street where they spent their childhood. I always want to return here in a more mature age, I know this from my parents, who now and then
Why did I choose the profession of a quality manager as a vital reference point? For several reasons. First, I like the content of the work of the quality manager. I would gladly fulfill
Saveliy – the hero of the Holy Trinity and Matryona Timofeevna – the embodiment of the author’s dream of the spiritual forces of the people (according to NA Nekrasov’s poem “To Whom to Live
Ethics call the science of morality. In this word the meanings of two foreign words are combined – “ethics” and “morality”. In translation, they denote the same thing: the domain of knowledge, which examines
To understand the essence of the ethical concept of moral values, remember what value you use the adjective valuable. “This book is valuable to me,” Andrei thanked his friend, who gave him the most