Love for the native land

The homeland is a very capacious concept in its content. It has a very deep and multifaceted meaning. And the first thing that the homeland for each person begins with is his family, that

“Why do I need to read” an essay

Without reading, our life is unthinkable. People read for different reasons. Read in order to obtain new information necessary for life, for work. After reading they rest from everyday worries, are distracted, expand their

Blue Room

In a nutshell: A couple of Parisian lovers secretly go to a provincial town to indulge in a quiet hotel. The young man was assured that this is the quietest hotel you can imagine.

Composition on the theme of art

Art is the most beautiful thing that is created by the hands and mind of a person. The magnificence of the natural world with its miraculous beauty promotes a person with the help of

“The impact of money on a person”

According to the publicist, money determines the value of a person, his importance in society. He cites the words of Alexander Herzen that “now without money, not only for respect, but for self-respect can

Pompadours and pompadours

Our young pompadours very often turn to me for explanations, as in this or in the other case it is necessary to act. These appeals put me in great difficulty, because I do not

“Morning that changed life” essay

Reading LN Tolstoy’s story “After the ball,” we are witnessing how events of just one morning can completely change the fate of a person. The hero, on whose behalf the story is conducted, is

What is conscience?

In the work there are references to the story of V. Droganov. Option 1 Conscience is a kind of controller who makes sure that there are fewer bad things in our lives. Conscience does

What is real courage?

The children of Atticus often passed by the house of the harmful old Mrs. Dubois, and when she saw Jim and Jean Louise, they constantly spat them. One day, she not only scolded them,

Man and religion

Religious problems worried people at all times, but they became especially urgent in our difficult times. After all, we living in the CIS, for many years believed that “religion – opium for the people.”
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