“Eternal” theme of love in the tragedy of W. Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”

There is no sadder story in the world
than the tale of Romeo and Juliet.
V. Shakespeare

The famous tragedy of W. Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” was first staged in 1595. Centuries have passed, but today, as in the days of Shakespeare, this “sad story” makes one tremble of heart, as this eternal theme continues to worry us – the theme of tragically interrupted love.

The first tragedy of Shakespeare is the tragedy of a great human feeling, faced with an inhuman world.

The plot of “Romeo and Juliet” leads us to the ancient Italian folk legend, according to which the events described by Shakespeare did take place in the early 14th century in the city of Verona. Even now in this city they show the legendary “Juliet’s Tomb”. Shakespeare was far from being the first one to deal with this plot, but he was the first to make a brilliant work of art out of him.

The main theme of the Shakespearean tragedy is the exposure of endless internecine strife. These strife destroyed two beautiful young people. None of the elders of the genus Montague and Capulets could remember, because of what this feud began, but it also captures the youth, preventing it from living. In the family of Capulets, daughter Juliette grows only thirteen years, she is obedient, honors her parents. But her submission has a boundary. And her name is Romeo Montague. A bright feeling for the son of the enemies of his family inevitably comes into conflict with the traditions, with the will of the parents. Romeo, having learned, who his beloved, feels the approach of a thunder-storm. But love for him is stronger than death. Against lovers the whole world. Romeo in a fight with Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, kills him and, under threat of execution, is forced to leave the city. But the holy wedding ceremony has already taken place. Separation is bitterer than death. The tragic outcome is coming. Juliette drinks a sleepy potion. After learning about the “death” of his beloved, Romeo drinks poison. After recovering from sleep, Juliet sees that the irreparable has happened and, snatching a dagger from Romeo’s scabbard, stabs himself.

“Romeo and Juliet” glorifies the fidelity of feeling. Shakespeare speaks more convincingly about Juliet’s loyalty, that he describes her fiancé, Paris, by no means a freak and not a villain. Paris is handsome and loyal to Juliet, but he does not understand her feelings.

Romeo and Juliet are dying, but they are not separated. They die together, their love conquers death, since the death of young people permanently eliminates age-old enmity. Their death makes Montague and Capuletti, the rulers of Verona and all those who survived, ponder. Is not it time to end the bloodshed?

Two equally well-respected families
In Verona, where events meet us,
They conduct internecine battles
And do not want to stop the bloodshed.
The children of the leaders love each other,
But fate fixes them,
And their death at the grave doors
Put an end to irreconcilable discord.

A gold monument is erected on the grave of the dead for future generations. With his tragedy, Shakespeare appealed to future generations. A great humanist never lost faith in life, and the monument of this faith reached us “Romeo and Juliet” – one of the finest works of world literature.

“Eternal” theme of love in the tragedy of W. Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”