Composition on the theme of a little man

The first of the Russian writers who touched upon the theme of the “little man” was Pushkin. His story “The Stationmaster” is devoted to the modest existence of station supervisor Samson Vyrin. The story

Creativity Shakespeare-playwright

Shakespeare’s playwright-play is divided into three periods: Первый, так называемый оптимистический, ознаменован появлением произведений, которые пронизаны верой в победу добра над злом, торжеством человечности, ума и справедливости. Наиболее известные среди них – исторические хроники

Is the main hero of the story of Balzac “Gobsek” modern?

Unshakable only one single feeling, Embedded in us by nature itself: the instinct Self-preservation. In the states of European civilization This instinct is called personal interest. O. Balzac “Human comedy” Balzac, which includes the

Is it easy to be an apprentice

Is it easy to be a disciple? Is it easy to go to school? Is it easy to learn something new every day, learn and try something that you have never done before in

The screen version of the novel by E. M. Hemingway “The Old Man and the Sea”

To the story “The Old Man and the Sea” cinematographers from different countries addressed. The first screen version of the work appeared even during Hemingway’s life in 1958. Participation in the work on it

Is Carrie happy?

“Sister Kerry” … like those who love shine, And the excitement of Broadway, and the atmosphere of the capital as a whole. “ “Everyone… strives for one thing – to be as happy as

Directions in Russian Literature

Classicism – a direction in the literature of the XVII – beginning of the XIX century, focusing on the aesthetic standards of ancient art. The main idea is the approval of the priority of

My favorite subject of mathematics is composition

I like mathematics more than other subjects. It was enough for an ancient man to count to five or ten. His life was too simple, primitive. Now everything is not so. Without mathematics today

The originality and originality of the comedies of Moliere

When Louis XIV asked In Pualo, who is the most Wonderful writer of the century, He replied: “Moliere.” M. Bulgakov There is no monument on his grave. A cast-iron plate, lying on the spot

The adventures of a boy who became superplated

If at school the teacher gave the task to the guys at the drawing class to depict on the sheet of paper the car tire track, everyone would be surprised: what kind of drawing

The novel by John Updike “Centaur”

“If an adult completely forgets the child in himself, It will turn into a machine for eating, Pleasure, obtaining money. “ D. Updike Will we remember childhood as clearly as it is now? What

Questions and answers to the work of Homer

Who is Homer? Most researchers of ancient literature agree that Homer lived in the 8th century BC. He was born and worked in Ionia – on the West coast of Asia Minor and the

About the plays “Tartuffe” and “Meshchanin in the Nobility” by Moliere

“Tartuffe” – the recognized peak of Moliere’s creativity. In this comedy, ideological richness is happily combined with artistic perfection. The characters deduced in it are remarkable. In the play there are almost no “auxiliary”

Composing on a public theme

Whatever they say, and the first impression of a person is formed by its appearance. Each of us wants to dress elegantly and exquisitely. Good taste has always been a sign of good breeding.

Female images of the novel “Red and Black” by F. Stendhal

Interesting and original are the images of Madame de Renal and Matilda de la Mole. In the moral and psychological plan of the novel they act as these poles, between which the brief life

The problem of perception of nature

Nature is all life around us: fields, rivers, lakes, seas… And our whole life depends on the wealth of the earth, the health of wildlife. But every person has his own attitude towards her.

What attracted Julien Sorel in Bonaparte?

Studying literature, we saw that many of the heroes of Russian writers were very sympathetic to such an ambiguous figure as Napoleon. Through sympathy for him, even the fascination with it went to such

Composition on the theme of birds

On the street it was warm, Snow would soon turn into water, And, forgetting about the cold of the past, the songs are joyful birds. (M. Kryukov) The icicles have sunk in the sunlight,

“I own the world, and the world does not have power over me.” The image of Gobsek

Do you need a person to be happy? To assert itself in life? To feel like a master of life? What should I prefer in life: feelings or money, empathy or calculation, power over

“I was completely consumed by countless battles…”

I was ambitious and I’m not going to Repent of this; I then acted so, As our time demands. Stendhal. Red and black The novel “Red and Black” was written by Stendhal in 1830.

Writing teacher in my life

Quite recently in the office of Russian language and literature in one of the albums I saw a picture of my brother, who graduated from school in 2007, and read his last school essay.

How modern is the hero of Balzac Gobsek?

The story “Gobsek”, written in 1830, can be considered the original grain from which the whole giant “Human comedy” of Balzac grows. The image of Gobsek is one of the brightest human types that

What is a literary work a work of fiction

Art is a sphere of human activity that is addressed to its emotional, aesthetic side of personality. Through auditory and visual images, through associative series and intense mental and mental work, there is a

Pollution of the environment

Environmental problems have become one of the most pressing problems of modern society. More and more people are suffering from water and air pollution. Nature also suffers from soil pollution and radioactivity. The reasons

Hamlet – the person facing the future

To be or not to be, that’s the question… V. Shakespeare The story of Hamlet, written by Shakespeare in the very beginning of the XVII century, is based on an old legend. She talks

Questions and answers to creativity of G. G. Byron

What is the direction of Byron’s work in the world literature? What are the main themes of Byron’s work? “Byron’s poetry is a scream of suffering, it’s a complaint, but a proud complaint that

The friendship between Tom and Huck

Many adventures were in the life of the heroes of Mark Twain – Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. And in each episode the friendship of the guys was manifested. I want to talk about

Did Hamlet defeat evil?

Did Hamlet defeat evil? This question is difficult to answer unequivocally. On the one hand, we can say that he really won. But at what price was this victory given to him? He lost

George Gordon Byron in the English Parliament

In the first half of the XIX century. England was shaken by the waves of a powerful Luddite movement, uniting in its ranks artisans, desperately crushed new machines, with the appearance of which they

On the work of Guy de Maupassant

Being a disciple and follower of G. Flaubert, Maupassant in his work adhered to the priorities of his teacher, which included the description of everyday life and customs of different strata of society, the

Reflection in Goethe’s Faust of the Advanced Enlightenment Ideas of the Epoch

Only he is worthy of life and freedom, Who every day for them goes to battle. I. Goethe Goethe created his “Faust” throughout his life. Although Goethe did not write Faust for the theater,

On the work of E. Hemingway

In his works of art, the writer first of all reinterprets what he knew well from his own life experience. However, the “truth of facts” was important to him only to the extent that

What is the strength and weakness of a person?

In the world there existed and exist absolutely different in character, appearance, social status of people. Smart and stupid, beautiful and lacking in beauty, strong and weak. If we characterize the last group of

Questions and answers to the book by T. H. White “The Candle in the Wind”

How did the writer manage to solve two very important issues at the beginning of the book: the question of the role of appearance in the fate of man and the question of the

Composition of the environment

The environment is the natural habitat that surrounds us everywhere. Over the past decades, people have already built so many factories that the environment has suffered. Some environmental problems are very relevant in modern

The writing of true and false values

Everyone in his life sees for himself a certain purpose and a cause to which he would dedicate his life. But man is a social being, and depends on another person. And often people

Formation of the character of the heroine of the drama G. Ibsen “Doll house”

I need to stay alone to figure it out. In itself and in everything else. G. Ibsen The play “Doll House”, written in 1879, is still the most popular of the Ibsen dramas. It

The life of Julien Sorel in the theological seminary in Besançon

In the spiritual quest of Julien Sorel, several stages can be distinguished: life in Verrieres in his family, and then a tutor in the family of the mayor of M. de Renal; stay in

The realism of O. de Balzac

The emergence of French realism, beginning with the work of Stendhal, occurred in parallel with the further development of romanticism in France. It is indicative that the first who supported and largely appreciated the

The Amazing World of Nature

The lyrics of the remarkable Russian poet SA Yesenin draws with his amazing sincerity, love for life, for the homeland, for everything living. Most clearly, all these qualities are expressed in poems dedicated to

American musicians

The second quarter of the 20th century is the era of the highest heyday of jazz culture. The USA has become the cradle of this musical genre, and the New Orleans jazz is rightfully

What helped to survive the hero of the Jack London story “Love of life”?

The story of Jack London “Love of life” made a strong impression on me. From the first to the last line you are in suspense, you follow the fate of the hero, holding your

Russian language in the modern world

Today I am one of the 170 million people who consider the Russian language native. I’m proud of this, because Russian is a great world language. Russian belongs to the languages ​​of interethnic communication,

The composition about the storm

It was summer in the yard. For many days, the scorching rays of the sun exhausted everything around. Under their fierce onslaught, the green meadow and field grasses withered, the branches of the trees

My attitude to subcultures

The democratization of our society has revealed many opportunities in expressing our views and aspirations. Therefore, today, literally at every step, we can meet representatives of various subcultures, and people of informal appearance today

Do I need a school uniform?

The question is whether the school uniform is necessary for children and what are the arguments “for and against” its wearing. parents are asked when their child is sent to school for the first

Up the stairs leading down

Virtue… is not divided into parts; Either she is, or she is not. O. de Balzac. Father Gorio One of the themes of Honore de Balzac’s remarkable novel “Father Gorio” is the impact of

“It is necessary to judge not by words, but by deeds”

The story of Antoine de Saint-Exupery is filled with wisdom, like a jug – with cool water. It is wisdom, quenching thirst. Not moralizing – but the advice of a friend. Most of all

Problems of education in the novel by Charles Dickens “The Adventures of Oliver Twist”

This is the most suitable boy for you. From time to time it is necessary To treat with a stick it will go It’s good for him. And its content It will not be

The fracturing power of money

Gold is the spiritual essence Total current society. O. de Balzac. Gobsek How many examples in the history of mankind, when people overestimated the power of money, became their slaves, losing all the best