Cinema in our life

Cinematography occupies an important place in modern life. Today, cinema has reached the peak of its popularity and has great educational and aesthetic power. Every day there are continuous shooting. Cinema is one of the youngest arts of our time. It arose at the end of the XIX century, which we owe to the world-famous … Read more

What makes a person a person?

Saint-Exupery wrote the “Little Prince” shortly before his tragic death. As the poet A. Prasolov says, “individual human souls always publish their last, swan-pure, farewell cry…” This philosophical tale became a testament to the writer’s will to people. Many of her lines entered our life as commandments: “We are responsible for those who have tamed,” … Read more

Sherlock Holmes’s All-conquering Logic

Arthur Conan Doyle is a famous English writer, creator of the image of the brilliant detective Sherlock Holmes. Probably, there is no person who in his time did not read the stories about Sherlock Holmes. In all these stories, most striking is the detective’s logic, his ability to build a logical chain, not missing any, … Read more

O. de Balzac and Ukraine

February 28, 1832 in the life of the writer there was an event that marked the beginning of a “beautiful heart drama”: Balzac unexpectedly received a letter from Odessa with an intriguing signature of “Inostranka”. Soon the writer learned that his correspondent was a Polish aristocrat of Russian citizenship, the Countess Evelina Ghanskaya, the great-granddaughter … Read more

Composition about art

What effect does true art have on man? Is it able to transform it morally? The author of the text makes us think about these questions. GI Uspensky in this text reflects on the role of art. He talks about how he accidentally went to the Louvre, saw a statue of Venus de Milo. He … Read more

Hymn to man

“A person can be destroyed, but it can not be defeated”. E. Hemingway Ernest Hemingway is a man of amazing destiny, the author of a number of excellent books, among which a special place belongs to the story “The Old Man and the Sea”, created in the middle of the 20th century, in 1952, a … Read more

Path to freedom

Among the many diverse legends we learn from the poem of the ancient Roman poet Ovid “Metamorphosis” and a beautiful but tragic myth about the greatest Athenian artist, sculptor and architect Daedalus. The fate of this man was not easy. Despite his talents, his compatriots sentenced him to death for having committed a murder. The … Read more

About the poem “Childe Harold Pilgrimage” by G. G. Byron

At the end of June 1809, Byron went on a two-year journey, during which he visited Portugal, Spain, Albania, Turkey and Greece. Byron was interested in the peoples of these countries, their life, culture. Particularly struck by his social contrasts: he saw the unlimited arbitrariness of local and foreign tyrants, the complete lack of rights … Read more

The composition of the book

Yet none of the books I read attracted me more than the works of Vladimir Kunin. Reading the books of this writer, completely immersed in the atmosphere of what is happening. I think that the interest in his works is due primarily to the very high saturation of events, but at the same time you … Read more

How a person should treat nature

I believe that people should not treat nature as it is now. Probably we all know how much damage is caused by deforestation, drainage of swamps, pollution of water bodies. A person often throws trash into ponds, rivers, lakes, oceans and seas. Even when a person throws garbage near the water, it is washed away … Read more

The theme of the war is composition

War – this is a terrible word, but how much tragic and terrible is behind it! The Great Patriotic War devoted a lot of works in our literature. These are poems, poems, stories, and novels. Their authors are front-line writers and those who were born after the war ended. But the “fortieth, fatal” is still … Read more

Description of the guy’s appearance

What is the main thing in the description? The main task in writing such a composition is to notice something interesting, unusual, original in the described subject. This may be due to the peculiarities of gestures, gait, look, occupation and kind of activity, with a certain mood and personality traits of a person. All this … Read more

Writing why friends are needed

There is a wise saying: “Friends are known in trouble,” and it’s true. A friend is someone you can trust. I think that every person needs good friends, otherwise life becomes boring. We all need people with whom we will laugh and cry, go out and have fun, play active or board games, and finally … Read more

Do righteous people need the work today?

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn. Even some twenty years ago his name was forbidden to pronounce, and today we admire his deeply philosophical works, in which he reveals the skill in depicting characters, the ability to observe people and understand them. And this is especially clearly revealed in the story “Matrenin yard”. What is interesting about this … Read more

Faith – the path to salvation

“Divine Comedy” – the main work of Dante, brought him immortality. Dante called his poem “comedy”, because mournful at the beginning, it ends with a joyous ending. In the time when Dante lived, wars were going on in Italy. Although Dante was a believer, he lost faith in kindness and nobility during these wars. This … Read more

Why do I sympathize with Hamlet?

Hamlet is the protagonist of the Shakespearean tragedy of the same name, Prince of Denmark. He has a mother, an uncle, a friend of Horatio and a lady of the heart – Ofelia. My father, true, Hamlet does not, but what can you do – all people ever die. The prince was, I think, happy. … Read more

Rilke RM and Ukraine, Russia

As you already know, a great influence on the personality of Rilke was his journey through Russia and Ukraine. He met with outstanding figures of Russian culture, was interested in the life of the people. The poet visited Yasnaya Polyana, where he met Leo Tolstoy. The last year of his life corresponded with Boris Pasternak … Read more

Childhood and youth Honore de Balzac

On May 20, 1799, a boy was born in the ancient French city of Tours, on the street of the Italian army, in the house of the assistant to the mayor and trustee of the charitable institutions, Bernard-Frarsois, who changed his plebeian name Balsa to the noble mode of de Balzac. The mother of the … Read more

What do the stories of Ray Douglas Bradbury teach us?

The stories of R. Bradbury are fascinatingly interesting. I generally like science fiction. But the works of this writer shocked me not because people live on Venus, or on Mars, or on Earth in the distant future. I was surprised how they live, what they are. The writer as if warns people: look, that the … Read more

Characteristic of the artistic world of Charles Dickens

The desire for an artistic cognition of the world in its diversity and contradictions; Criticism of social conditions and social institutions that condemn the person to suffering and humiliation; study of the depths of the human soul, its innate, ie, not dependent on the society of good and bad inclinations, its ability to self-transfiguration; the … Read more

What is a complete and incomplete offer?

In an incomplete sentence, any member of the sentence (one or more) can be omitted. Incomplete sentences are sentences, members in which, necessary for completeness and structure, are absent. Incomplete are the sentences in which any member of the sentence is omitted. The meaning of an incomplete sentence can only be understood in the context. … Read more

On the work of FJ Dürrenmatt

Already in the first stories of Dyurrenmatt, included in the collection “The City”, his literary landmarks appeared. Kafka, French writers, existentialists, Dostoevsky, and Gogol, in whose works the Swiss playwright especially appreciated “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” and “Notes of a Madman” were among them, in the first place. Already in the early works … Read more

Composition on the theme of the mother

When I was asked the theme of the composition, I was surprised why it should be called reasoning. It’s just hard for me to understand how you can talk about your mother. I think it’s better to talk about my mother simply. For example, tell us about how she loves us with her brother, how … Read more

Composition I and my future

Probably every person thinks about what will happen tomorrow. And everyone is interested in how his life will turn… I believe that man himself is the smith of his happiness. And how you live now, you think, you act – a lot depends on this. You must always be self-confident, have a goal in life, … Read more

The Way to Truth

They say that “the truth will make you free,” and that’s so, so the path to truth is also the way to freedom-freedom from the illusions of life and subsequent psychological suffering. Why is the path to truth and freedom (enlightenment) possible only through self-knowledge? Let us first consider the question of what self-knowledge is. … Read more

My favorite essay

I’m not a big fan of television, but if they show something interesting, then I look with pleasure. Let me tell you a bit about my favorite show, which I started watching just recently. It is called “Interns”. This is a comedy about four medical students who must undergo practical training. In a word, these … Read more

Review of the book

A big trace in my mind left the novel “The Hero of Our Time” by M. Yu. Lermontov. For me, first of all, it is extremely valuable and expensive that the novel raises vital problems, such as the problem of happiness, the problem of good and evil, the problem of predestination and freedom, self-will. The … Read more

Man among people writing

Russia lost Russia in Russia, writes Evgeny Evtushenko in the poem “Loss”. How relevant these lines are! It is not necessary to prove that our society is in pain, that it is experiencing spiritual starvation. And a person is looking for ways of self-expression, a form of self-expression. At all times people have sought to … Read more

About the work of Charles Baudelaire

Charles Baudelaire, one of the greatest French poets of the nineteenth century, was the “stepchild” of his time and the forerunner of the time of the future, who opened and presented to the world, according to Victor Hugo’s apt expression, the poetry of “a new thrill.” It is not for nothing that the well-known Ukrainian … Read more

Why is A. Camus’ novel called “Stranger”?

The novel “Stranger” is written in the genre of the philosophical parable. This multifaceted work, recreating the situation of social alienation rights. Roman – notes of the ill-fated murderer who is awaiting execution after the trial, are willy-nilly perceived as an invitation to think about the fairness of the sentence, like a petition for clemency, … Read more

The theme of education and the formation of personality in the novel by Charles D. Dickens “David Copperfield”

The novel by Charles D. Dickens “David Copperfield” was published in 1850. This work of Dickens is largely autobiographical: the author tells the first person the story of a man who became a writer. David, like Dickens himself, has withstood a grueling struggle against difficult life circumstances. David Copperfield tells his story as if from … Read more

Theme of love in the tragedy of Goethe “Faust”

Oh heaven, that’s beauty! I have never seen such a thing in my life. How unspoilt-pure And how sarcastically, without malice! I. Goethe “Faust” is a work on which Goethe worked almost all his life and which changed along with the author. In the center of the tragedy, the story of Dr. Faust, in the … Read more

On the work of G. Ibsen

Creativity G. Ibsen reflected the most important problems of the moral life of the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. and laid the foundation for a new European theater. In his artistic evolution, the playwright went through four stages. The first, “romantic” period of Ibsen’s work was closely connected with the national-patriotic rise that … Read more

Hemingway EM and Russian Literature

Interest in the study is the theme “Hemingway and Russian literature.” It is known that the literary idol of the American writer was Leo Tolstoy. “I do not know anyone who would write about the war better than Tolstoy,” Hemingway noted, “I love War and Peace, I love the amazing, heartfelt and truthful descriptions of … Read more