Category: Essays on literatuire
“Eternal” theme of love in the tragedy of W. Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
There is no sadder story in the world than the tale of Romeo and Juliet. V. Shakespeare The famous tragedy of W. Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” was first staged in 1595. Centuries have passed, but today, as in the days of Shakespeare, this “sad story” makes one tremble of heart, as this eternal theme continues…
Cinema in our life
Cinematography occupies an important place in modern life. Today, cinema has reached the peak of its popularity and has great educational and aesthetic power. Every day there are continuous shooting. Cinema is one of the youngest arts of our time. It arose at the end of the XIX century, which we owe to the world-famous…
What makes a person a person?
Saint-Exupery wrote the “Little Prince” shortly before his tragic death. As the poet A. Prasolov says, “individual human souls always publish their last, swan-pure, farewell cry…” This philosophical tale became a testament to the writer’s will to people. Many of her lines entered our life as commandments: “We are responsible for those who have tamed,”…
Sherlock Holmes’s All-conquering Logic
Arthur Conan Doyle is a famous English writer, creator of the image of the brilliant detective Sherlock Holmes. Probably, there is no person who in his time did not read the stories about Sherlock Holmes. In all these stories, most striking is the detective’s logic, his ability to build a logical chain, not missing any,…
O. de Balzac and Ukraine
February 28, 1832 in the life of the writer there was an event that marked the beginning of a “beautiful heart drama”: Balzac unexpectedly received a letter from Odessa with an intriguing signature of “Inostranka”. Soon the writer learned that his correspondent was a Polish aristocrat of Russian citizenship, the Countess Evelina Ghanskaya, the great-granddaughter…
Composition about art
What effect does true art have on man? Is it able to transform it morally? The author of the text makes us think about these questions. GI Uspensky in this text reflects on the role of art. He talks about how he accidentally went to the Louvre, saw a statue of Venus de Milo. He…
Hymn to man
“A person can be destroyed, but it can not be defeated”. E. Hemingway Ernest Hemingway is a man of amazing destiny, the author of a number of excellent books, among which a special place belongs to the story “The Old Man and the Sea”, created in the middle of the 20th century, in 1952, a…
The problem of fathers and children based on the novel Honore de Balzac “Father Gorio”
If the fathers are trampled on with their feet, Fatherland will perish. O. de Balzac. Father Gorio At all times, respect for the elders was one of the main pillars on which not only the family but the entire society relies. Children from all over the world are brought up in fairy tales and stories,…
Questions and answers to the novel by Charles Dickens “The Life of David Copperfield, told by himself”
What is the main theme of the novel? “David Copperfield” is a novel about the formation of personality, about the fate of a young man entering life. Can we call Dickens’s novel an autobiographical work? The novel is written in the first person, and on its pages many events from the author’s life were reflected,…
Path to freedom
Among the many diverse legends we learn from the poem of the ancient Roman poet Ovid “Metamorphosis” and a beautiful but tragic myth about the greatest Athenian artist, sculptor and architect Daedalus. The fate of this man was not easy. Despite his talents, his compatriots sentenced him to death for having committed a murder. The…