Distribution of water resources in Eurasia. River basins

Distribution of water resources on the mainland. Due to significant climatic differences in Eurasia, the water of the dry land is very unevenly distributed on its territory. Their thickest network is observed on the ocean coasts. With the advance deep into the continent, the number of reservoirs decreases.

But the level of water supply in the territory of Eurasia is divided into several regions. Territories with a large number of land waters include the western and northern parts of Europe, the mountainous regions of the Alps and the Carpathians, and the southeast part of Asia. A sufficient number of water bodies exist on the East European Plain, the Asian north and the east, the Indian Peninsula. Lack of water is felt on the Mediterranean coast of Europe. Extremely low water availability in the Arabian Peninsula and in Central Asia.

River basins. In Eurasia, most of the major rivers of the Earth flow. The rivers of the mainland carry their waters to all four oceans. A large area is occupied by the basins of internal drainage – about 1/3 of the territory of the continent.



