The Painting by Makovsky “Two mothers”

The collection of works by Vladimir Egorovich Makovsky in the Samara Art Museum is one of the most interesting among provincial museums. A large collection of paintings by Russian artists of the XIX-early XX

Painting by Nesterov “Great tonsure”

Only in 1905 Nesterov finished the third “chapter” – the painting “Beyond the Volga” (Astrakhan Picture Gallery), which tells about the moment of parting of the main characters. This work was, perhaps, the only

Composition based on Levitan’s painting “Autumn day: Sokolniki”

Description of the topic: Man and nature, the enchanting beauty of a multicolored forest, the noise of falling leaves and the imminent onset of cold weather after the Indian summer season. Artistic description of

Painting Vrubel “Venice”

The corner of the Doge’s Palace, the Bridge of Sighs, the visible perspective of the street are authentic to the details and even written using photographs (Vrubel generally willingly resorted to photographs of the

Painting by Tropinin “Guitarist”

Tropinin Vasiliy Andreevich was born in 1776. From his earliest childhood Tropinin was fond of drawing. This occupation he had to liking. He came from a simple serf family, they did not have enough

Painting by Ivanov “Bellerophon goes on a campaign against the chimera”

The picture is devoid of uniqueness of the heroic and pathetic pathos of traditional academic programs. The artist treats the ideal image multifaceted, endowing it with purely human traits: inner struggle, a sense of

Painting by Makovsky “Rendezvous”

In the famous picture of VE Makovsky’s “Rendezvous”, created in the second half of the 19th century, we see a boy of about ten and his mother. Their figures are clearly written out in

Painting Tsyplakova “Frost and the sun”

The artist VG Tsyplakov wrote a lot from nature, trying to show on his canvases an endless natural cycle, different seasons. His landscapes are very Russian, they well convey the beauty and originality of

The Painting by Benoit “The Bathhouse of the Marquis”

The picture shows a girl in a bath in the middle of the garden. The action takes place on a sunny day, as the arbor with the statue of Cupid in the background is

The Painting by Reshetnikov “Again the deuce”

One of the most famous paintings of Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov is “Again the Deuce.” And this is not accidental, because until now what is painted there is quite relevant, even though this picture was
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