Painting by Makovsky “Boyar wedding feast of the XVII century”

In the works of Makovsky there are many paintings that describe the life and way of life of Russia in patriarchal times. He is one of the most famous painters of the second half

Painting Repin “Do not wait”

Ilya Efimovich Repin – one of the greatest Russian artists. He achieved tops in art not only because of his enormous talent, but also his constant self-improvement. From the end of the seventies of

Painting by Aivazovsky “The Storm on the Black Sea”

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky is famous for his paintings, in which he depicts the natural elements in all greatness. Most of all I was impressed by his canvas “The Storm on the Black Sea”. This

The Painting Belokovskaya “Portrait of a son”

An incredible number of masterpieces belong to the brush of the famous contemporary Russian artist Olga Belokovskaya. Became famous at the end of the 20th century, for several decades the artist has been creating

The Painting by Shevandronova “In the rural library”

A young artist Irina Shevandronova got a reputation for her diploma work. Her painting “In the Village Library” is considered a masterpiece of Soviet painting of the 50’s. She showed a simple rural library

Painting by Aivazovsky “On the island of Crete”

Aivazovsky was born in Feodosia, a small town on the eastern coast of the Crimea. The house of Aivazovsky stood on the outskirts of the city, on an elevated position. A wide panorama of

Painting by Shishkin “Forest Wilderness”

In his work Shishkin preferred clarity, noon, bright sunlight, summer, fullness of life – Pine Forest. Mastwood in the Vyatka province (1872), Rye (1878), Among the valley level (1883), Forest distances (1884) and others.

Painting Dali “Warrior”

This picture, one of the most famous among the masterpieces of the artist Vereshchagin. The painting was written in 1871, occupies the leading place in the Turkestan cycle of paintings by this artist. At

Painting Grabar “Goalkeeper”

In front of me is a picture of the artist Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”. It shows a football match. Sport is life, movement, emotions, and this is what we see on the canvas. This picture can

Painting Grabar “March Snow”

Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar is known not only as an artist, but also as an art historian and critic. Grabar’s creative path was very difficult and contradictory. His works were characterized by two picturesque genres
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