Painting by Repin “Tolstoy on arable land”

Of particular interest are portraits that reveal the writer’s spiritual world, unusual and complex. These include the painting by Ilya Repin “The Plowman LN Tolstoy in the Field”. In the 70 years in the

Painting by Nesterov “The Desert”

Mikhail Vasilievich Nesterov gave us a lot of mysterious works. The painting “The Hermit” became another masterpiece of this remarkable artist. The first feeling that arises in the examination of this work is cold

Painting Plastov “Dinner tractor drivers”

Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov – a famous Soviet painter, whose paintings are distinguished by the simplicity and recognizability of the plot. Of all his paintings, I most like the canvas called “Dinner tractor”, which was

Composition on Nazarenko’s painting “Church of the Ascension in Nezhdanova Street in Moscow”

Today we will reflect on the picture “The Church of the Ascension in Nezhdanova Street in Moscow” in 1988, the creation. The author of the work is a Russian artist Tatyana Grigorievna Nazarenko. This

The composition of Nazarenko’s painting “The Church of the Ascension in Nezhdanova Street”

I really liked the picture of this artist. In my opinion it is imbued with gentle tones of pink and light green colors, the sky is depicted in lilac paints. All these colors beckon

The painting of Vereshchagin’s painting “Doors of Timur”

The paintings of Vereshchagin are famous for their thematic note of the East in Russian art. The picture “Doors of Timur (Tamerlane)” to that confirmation. It can be attributed to the Turkestan cycle, it

The composition of Vrubel’s painting “Portrait of Zabela on the background of birches”

In 1896, an eternal wanderer, an unsettled and homeless painter finds his pier. His dream came true. He fell in love. Nadezhda Ivanovna Zabela – a famous singer – becomes the artist’s wife. Vrubel

Painting by Venetsianov “Here’s the ones and the father’s lunch”

The outstanding Russian painter Alexei Gavrilovich Venetsianov was born on February 7, 1780 in Moscow, in a merchant family. Little information is known about the artist’s life. He began to paint at an adult

The composition of Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Princesses of the Underground Kingdom”

Victor Vasnetsov is known for his paintings on the subjects of Russian epics and fairy tales. One of the first such paintings – “Three princesses of the underworld.” The artist painted this canvas by

The composition of Vasnetsov’s “The Snow Maiden”

The painting “Snow Maiden” was written by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov in 1899. The author wrote this picture for the sets when staging the play of the same name by Ostrovsky, which was written for
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