Description of the sea

Sea. I really love the sea. It is never monotonous, uninteresting, because every day, even every minute, it is different. Mysterious, impermanent, immense – it excites the soul, does not leave the heart indifferent. In one day it is quiet and calm, like a large mirror, cold and transparent. Sun rays, penetrating the salt water, reach the bottom, humbly affect the golden sand and bright radiant shells, smooth pebbles and greenish algae, catch small, smart fish that flock at the beach cheerfully. The next day everything suddenly changes.

A gusty wind will fly and drive waves to the shore. The water becomes cloudy-green, sometimes – dark blue, and once I saw even strikingly black. There is no more fish or shells, no sand: there are only violent waves that beat violently into the coastal sand. Then my parents and I sit on the shore and can only observe the power of the sea. Although even at such times the sea is surprising to me. I think it’s a giant with whom I can compete, and I throw stones or I shout loudly into the sea. But victory always goes to him, to the sea. It muffles my voice and throws my pebble on the shore. Sometimes it seems to me that I can look at the sea endlessly. And it is always welcome to me.



