Customs of Great Britain

England is a great state with a rich history and centuries-old traditions. Ancient generic castles with haunting ghosts, ancient universities, famous English pubs, as well as the royal family, considered the subject of partial interest and self-esteem of the British – all this is England.

According to the English-speaking Oxford Dictionary, the first use of the name “England”, as a reference to the southern part of Great Britain, was subsidized by 897 year. Many people misuse the name of England, having in mind the whole of Britain, which is divided into 4 parts – Wales, Scotland, Ireland and England.

One of the most popular hobbies in England is gardening. A real Englishman can not imagine a house without a tidy garden next door. This is a special custom in England, it is respected and respected by all. To find the best garden near the houses special contests are held. An Englishman who wins such a competition can be proud of himself and be happy.

The real British cuisine can be recognized by its quality and high cost. Simple English food is inexpensive and must be included in the menu of each cafe. According to the old tradition for the morning breakfast, fried eggs, juice, toast and coffee are served to the table. The oldest and most famous tradition in England is a tea party, it is treated with great reverence. Tea Englishmen drink Indian, but Chinese is also considered subtle and refined. Its national, in a special mixed tea, the English, who respect themselves, always take on a journey with them. Tea in England is drunk everywhere and everything, but not always. For breakfast they drink tea, they drink tea at work when they come home – tea, but after dinner they do not drink tea.

The age of people, trees, objects is not the only thing that the English respect. They do not less than honor the age of their feelings. Here, people are not in a hurry to get married, but despite this, young couples begin to live together quite early. Feelings and beliefs are ripening slowly, but at the moment when they finally add up, they are no longer easy to shake. The Englishman tries to use the slightest chance to save the family, avoid divorce and, of course, not to lose the established traditions.

The guards in the famous Tower are still dressed the same way as they were during the Tudor dynasty, students in Oxford and Cambridge wear mantles of the XVII model, and lawyers and judges are forced to chew wigs of the 18th century. Of all the existing voluntary societies in England, those who protect things or buildings from destruction and extinction use special respect and honor. All this speaks about the unique uniqueness of this people, whose traditions will last for a good hundred years ahead.

The British are very reserved people. Their customs carry dryness in their own reasoning in a conversation with the interlocutor. It was from here that the desire to evade the use of final formulations and negations appeared. The expression of extreme praise from the British is denoted by the word “not bad”, for Russians, for example, it can look quite strict and lofty. The English try not to show their feelings to everyone around, but despite this, they are very sociable people.

An ordinary person will be very surprised to learn with what incredible tenacity these people try to follow the customs of two hundred or three hundred years ago and follow them from generation to generation. The word “old” for an Englishman is equivalent to reliability, it is considered a virtue capable of compensating for absolutely all the attendant “old age” shortcomings. New ideas for the people of England seem deliberately suspicious, and the latest technologies are completely unreliable, new houses have absolutely no soul, and newly formed rich people are just upstarts.

Customs of Great Britain