In front of me is B. Zhitkov’s text, in which he raises the actual moral and ethical problem, the essence of which is to be reduced to the question: “Is cowardice the main cause of meanness?”
In his text, the author gives amazing examples, manifestations of courage. He compares the behavior of the driver in two situations, when he runs away from thieves, giving up his jacket without resistance, and when he carries the report to the next part. The desire to help people, to save them moved his action. Or the behavior of Captain Erokhin, who was not lost and did not leave the burning ship: thanks to his clear commands, the ship was saved, and people.
The sense of honor did not allow him to behave differently. The writer is convinced that a person can never be indifferent to danger and he will hardly be able to get rid of fear, but fear not for himself, but for others – it is natural, and such a person will never commit villainy.
The author’s position is obvious: cowardice is the main reason for baseness.
I fully share the position of the author. In fiction, there are many examples. I recall Vasyl Bykov’s story “Sotnikov”. The fisherman, who was driven by cowardice and cowardice, not only became a traitor, a policeman, but also felt in the execution of his comrade – Sotnikov. So cowardice entails the death of a person as a person.
From all that has been said, it follows that cowardice is a terrible vice, and only a person who has overcome fear and cowardice is capable of a feat for the sake of other people and is not capable of baseness.