The beauty of the soul of a Soviet man is told in the story of M. Sholokhov “MCH”, in which the hero was able to rise above his personal tragic fate and life, in the name of life to overcome death. Andrei Sokolov talks about his life, which was full of torment, “fry”, which he “had to sip to the very nostrils and above.”
You read the story, and it seems as if the empty, as it were, “Andrew’s ashes strewn with ashes, which were filled with such an inescapable, mortal anguish” look right into your soul. ” But it turns out that these eyes, seeing torment and death, seeing monstrously sophisticated in their desire to kill all human enemies in people, who at every step saw death in their eyes, have not lost the ability to see and sensitively perceive everything pure, beautiful in nature, in the surrounding life. Sokolov’s heart is full of kindness towards the living, towards people. He was shocked by the fate of a small man – Vanyushka, in something similar to his own sad fate. Many sufferings fell on Andrei Sokolov’s share: “Where I was not only chased for 2 years of captivity!” Half of Germany went round for this time, and in Saxony was, worked in a silicate plant, and in the Ruhr area was, at the mine, the coal was broken off, and in Bavaria, he made a hump on the earthworks… “But the hard labor of the fascist atrocities did not break him, they did not kill him in a sense of duty, love for his native land.” Sokolov strangled the traitor with his hands, threatening his squad to his Germans. Sokolov endured all the tortures of the concentration camp. Someone informed the boss of Andrei’s “bitter words” about the severity of hard labor, and he was led to the commandant, Andrei realizes that now, maybe in a few minutes, he will be killed, but he He did not get scared, did not beg for mercy, but on. “I wanted them, damn, show that… I have my dignity and pride of Russian and that they have not turned into a beast, no matter how trying.” did not kill in him a sense of duty, love of his native land. With his own hands A. Sokolov strangled a traitor who threatened his platoon to hand him over to the Germans. Sokolov endured all the tortures of the concentration camp. Someone told the boss “bitter words” Andrew about the severity of hard labor. And then he was brought to the commandant. Andrei realizes that now, maybe in a few minutes, he will be killed, but he did not get scared, did not beg for mercy, but vice versa. “I wanted them, damned, to show that… I have my Russian dignity and pride and that they did not turn me into a beast, no matter how hard they tried.” did not kill in him a sense of duty, love of his native land. With his own hands A. Sokolov strangled a traitor who threatened his platoon to hand him over to the Germans. Sokolov endured all the tortures of the concentration camp. Someone told the boss “bitter words” Andrew about the severity of hard labor. And then he was brought to the commandant. Andrei realizes that now, maybe in a few minutes, he will be killed, but he did not get scared, did not beg for mercy, but vice versa. “I wanted them, damned, to show that… I have my Russian dignity and pride and that they did not turn me into a beast, no matter how hard they tried.” Andrew about the severity of hard labor. And then he was brought to the commandant. Andrei realizes that now, maybe in a few minutes, he will be killed, but he did not get scared, did not beg for mercy, but vice versa. “I wanted them, damned, to show that… I have my Russian dignity and pride and that they did not turn me into a beast, no matter how hard they tried.” Andrew about the severity of hard labor. And then he was brought to the commandant. Andrei realizes that now, maybe in a few minutes, he will be killed, but he did not get scared, did not beg for mercy, but vice versa. “I wanted them, damned, to show that… I have my Russian dignity and pride and that they did not turn me into a beast, no matter how hard they tried.”
The extraordinary courage and dignity with which Sokolov behaved, aroused respect even from the fascist, who favorably gave Andrei life, a small loaf of bread and an even smaller piece of fat. Andrei Sokolov understood that only the support of his comrades helped him survive, and, returning to the barracks, Andrew divides the bread produced with everyone equally.
From the first minutes of captivity Sokolov was not abandoned by the idea of escape. The first time the escape failed, but the second time, Andrei not only escaped from captivity, but brought with him a “German, an engineer in the rank of army major” with very important documents. Having recovered in the hospital, Andrei returns home, but here a new grievous grief falls on his shoulders: the death of his wife and daughters. Sokolov again returns to the front and there learns of the heroic death of his son, who remained the last joy and support in his life.
Meeting with Vanyusha played a big role in the life of A. Sokolov. This orphaned boy, with “eyes as bright as a nebushko,” revived his soul. All his father’s love, the whole warmth of his heart, Andrew gives this boy. The meeting of these two people, all of whom lost during the war, helps them both “vydyuzhit.”
Many works have been written, but, in my opinion, the strength of the spirit of the Soviet man is not so much reflected in any book, as in the story of M. Sholokhov “MF”.
How many of them, famous and nameless heroes, about which books and poems have already been written or just written. We will always remain in unpaid debt to people. Defended the world against fascism, in front of soldiers, their mothers and widows. They have always lived and will live in the memory of the people, will always be an example for us, young people. It is to us that the words “Requiem” by R. Rozhdestvensky are addressed:
Do not cry!
In the throat, keep
In memory of the fallen
Be worthy,
Always worthy.
Consolidation on the theme of fate