Composition on the theme of evil

Good and evil. Two opposing forces, which have always existed. Evil tries to enslave the world, but good boldly and fiercely fights with it. So it was always. This eternal struggle of the two sides will probably never end. Nevertheless, periodically there is more then good, then evil. It already depends on us – people. Everyone has the right to choose, it concerns the choice of actions. After all, it depends on us how we traveled and how it is passed.
The problem of good and evil belongs to the category of moral problems and is relevant at all times. Many writers and poets have discussed this topic. For example, VG Korolenko in the story “Ogonki” touches on the problem of good and evil and how important it is for a person to draw conclusions and make decisions in life. VG Korolenko writes that our life is like a sea, and dreams are lights that are then retreating, then approaching. It all depends on the efforts we have made. Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov in the novel “The Hero of Our Time” writes about the transfusions of good and evil in man. The protagonist of the novel – Pechorin appears before us as a versatile person in it, throughout the whole work there are both negative and positive qualities. But he did not find a worthy use of his talents, because the society around him was too “pompous” and spoiled. Pechorin saw the nothingness of the people around him, which is why he could not find a place among them. We see that in every person there are both positive traits and negative, there are no only bad or only good people.
Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy on this occasion reasoned very correctly and well. The writer believed that if an act increases the love and unity of people, then it is good. And if from the act people become ill, many negative things appear, then it is bad.
M. Montel reasoning on the topic of good and evil wrote that the whole world in itself is neither good nor evil. The world is a container of both. Good and evil combines our society. Therefore, people are not bad and good. In each of us, both positive qualities and negative. That is why it depends only on people what kind of world will be and what good or evil wins.
Our world we build ourselves. People are what can change the world and make it what it is. As the great philosopher Confucius said: “It is easier to light one small candle than an oath in the dark.”



