After all, they describe the majority of what a modern person observes around him, living in a technically advanced information society. Cinemas and culinary sites on the Internet, the rules of behavior in society and the technology of aircraft production. Only under culture, an ordinary person most often understands something from the field of art or etiquette. A painted vase is a product of culture, and ballet in the theater – too. And the word “civilization” in the speech of ordinary people usually means technical progress. Computers, mobile phones, trains, megacities…
In fact, the concept of culture has a scientific definition: the field of human activity associated with self-expression and self-knowledge, the accumulation of human skills and abilities. That is, almost everything that people create and do: they are works of culture. Even the recipe for grilling potatoes in a frying pan is a product of human culture, like the frying pan itself, as well as growing potatoes. Knowingly the very word “culture” in Latin meant agriculture, agriculture.
Civilization, according to one of the definitions – the stage of the world historical process associated with the achievement of a certain level of sociality, on the other – the totality of material and technical and spiritual achievements of mankind in the course of this process, and on the third – an integrated system, a complex of economic, political, social and spiritual subsystems, developing according to the laws of the life cycle. For example, Western civilization, the Muslim world or the already destroyed civilization of the Maya Indians.
From this it is clear that culture and civilization are concepts very close, often even identical. In the modern society in which we live, they even coincide. Not in the world it does not happen in everything.
Somewhere in Brazil, in the wilds of the Amazon tropics the tribe of Indians now lives. According to statistics, there are still a few dozen tribes who have never been in contact with the outside world! They have not attained and do not aspire to achieve “a certain level of sociality,” that is, what we somewhat pompously call development.
They do not have the main feature of a civilized society – there is no state. There is no written language, no technical novelties, no bureaucracy, laws and rights – there are only customs of the tribe. These tribes are definitely not civilized. But does this mean that they do not have a culture? They have culture, original and interesting, unlike anything civilized. It manifests itself in how they organize the hunt, in their ritual costumes and dances. And also in the way they build their homes in the forests, how they communicate with spirits, in which they believe how they see the world around them.
Culture is clearly the basis on which any civilization grows. It is ancient and wider in its existence. The difference in culture, in the understanding of the world, in religion and cultural traditions, also determines the difference in civilization, for example, the difference between Western civilization and the eastern one. There are no “bad” or “inferior” cultural systems: after all, they can only be evaluated subjectively, “from their belltower”, with their own cultural baggage.
Composition on the theme “Culture and civilization”