Composition on the picture Vereshchagin “Triumph”

As far as I know, this picture was written by Vereshchagin in 1872, after a trip to Central Asia. This picture reflects not only the war, since it depicts Muslims who celebrate the victory. This picture showed me the Nazism of the Muslim people to the Russian people. To show the population the severed heads of Russian soldiers seemed to me very cruel. It seems to me that special attention is paid to the national color, the mosque, and also the costumes of the Muslims proves it. Still this picture gave me an idea of ​​the way of life, customs and traditions of this people.

I really liked that the artist painted on the faces of the Muslim people not joy, from the seen heads of soldiers, planted on poles, and anxiety, excitement and maybe even empathy. After all, in the place of the enemy, there may always be someone, your own, who is your own. I think that people have kindness to each other, as well as the soul.

Looking at. pictures of this author, always involuntarily trying on the mask of the main characters on themselves. It’s terrible to imagine that someday it can happen to me or to my relatives.

Very beautiful and realistic, the artist painted the building of the mosque. It seems to me that to express the mood that comes from the picture so accurately, it is necessary to plunge into this culture, to be on a par with this people. But the attitude of Russians to the Muslim people should not be treated aggressively, because this picture is just an artist’s view of the situation. I would paint my picture, without violence, and perhaps with the reconciliation of the parties in the war, and not with the victory of one of the nations. I would try to show the friendship of the peoples in all their glory, and probably draw on the square men shaking hands, and children of different nations playing together. Only friendship and kindness can defeat a merciless war.

Composition on the picture Vereshchagin “Triumph”