Kuban is my native land, my Motherland. I really love the place where I was born, and I’m proud of it. You will ask why? In my opinion, it’s easy.
Kuban is located in the south of Russia. It spreads widely in the territory of the Krasnodar Territory and rests on the Black and Azov Sea. Millions of people come here every year to rest and improve their health. What could be better than the generous Kuban sun, sea air, rich gifts of nature! I am proud that my region helps a huge number of people to get health, good mood, beauty.
Having rested, people again leave to their homes, perhaps to the far north, and take with them memories, impressions from our generous land. Take with them a piece of human heat, which is so rich in the Kuban. After all, we have wonderful people living in the south, hospitable, hospitable, benevolent, open-minded. They are always happy to help, advise, just chat, make new friends.
People from all over Russia rest, and not only Russia, at our resorts. Here they get acquainted, communicate, find new friends, and maybe even their love. Therefore, it can be said that my land helps people to become happy.
In the Kuban there are many beautiful cities, each with its own “face”, color, atmosphere. At first glance it seems like they all look very similar, but it’s not. The capital of the Krasnodar Kuban is very beautiful. One of its names speaks about the essence of the city and the whole of our land. Kuban is the source of the generous sun and all its riches.
But, for example, a small town Gelendzhik. It is located on the shore of the bay, so there are no storms and large waves on the sea. But this city has a unique mild climate and an amazing plant world. Where else do you see such beautiful pine trees or fragrant acacia blossoms!
And, having driven a little from Gelendzhik, you will get to Sochi. This city is completely different. We can say that this is a European city, with glittering streets, modern buildings. Visitors from all over the world come here. In addition, Sochi will become the capital of the Winter Olympics in 2014! Is this not a cause for pride?
But the Kuban is famous not only for the fact that it is a beautiful resort area, the “health resort of Russia”. My land is famous for its history. Who does not know about the Kuban Cossacks? About them in 1949 was even filmed a musical film with the same name, rattling throughout the country. This film glorified not only its director – Ivan Pyriev, but also made a star to the young actress Clara Luchko.
The culture of our land is inextricably linked with the culture of the Cossacks. Have you heard Kuban songs, legends, legends? I am sure that this is a treasure, without which the great culture of Russia would be incomplete, depleted.
I am happy that I was born and live in the Kuban. I love my land, this is my homeland. My ancestors lived here, and I hope my children and grandchildren will live here. Here they can be happy, living and working for the benefit of their native land.
Composition “On the Krasnodar Territory”