In this picture, there is a theme of loneliness. On a bare, impregnable rock, at dusk, in the midst of snow and ice, stands a lone pine. We see a gloomy canyon illuminated by the moon and an endless, snow-covered distance. It seems that in this cold kingdom there is nothing alive. But against the winds, frosts and snows the tree lives.
The pine is covered with snow, like a rhizo, and above it is a gloomy sky with a blue tint and gloomy, gloomy clouds. But still there is a skylight in the cloudy sky. The tree casts its shadow on the snow. In the background, other snow-capped hills are visible. Far beyond the pine there is a dark, gloomy, lifeless forest.
The pine itself reminds us of an enchanted beauty in a beautiful lace dress. On its fragile branches lie heavy flakes of sparkling snow. The snow cap on the top of the pine tree seems to merge with the clouds flying through the thunderous sky. The landscape seems to be radiating a thickening gloom and a silence around it.
What dreams, what poor pine dreams about? Perhaps, about a distant and native soul, as exalted and lonely? We do not know about this and do not even imagine that there is such a power in the world that can subordinate it to itself, break a pine tree. Looking at this picture, it seems that a slender, defenseless tree was once a young girl. But the evil witch became envious and she forever turned a beautiful girl into a pine tree, so that she too was so lonely…
In principle, Shishkin does not have many “winter” paintings. Cloth “In the north wild” – one of the most colorful works of the artist on the theme of the winter landscape. We see that the severe character of the north fascinates the painter with his strength and beauty. Using a rich color palette, the author skillfully conveys both a feeling of oppressive loneliness, and a state of winter numbness. This picture caused me very touching feelings, as it seems that the pine can break off under the weight of snow and fall down.
Landscape “In the north wild” – is written based on the poem of the great poet Lermontov. Probably, the author of the poem would appreciate the great talent of Shishkin.
Composition on Shishkin’s painting “In the North Wild”