Composition on a moral and moral theme

The life of a person consists of moments. These moments can be calculated in inches, for example, as in J. Aldridge’s “The Last Inch”, the pilot’s son, at the cost of enormous effort, overcomes inch by inch, saving his father’s life. These moments can be calculated by a leaflet, as in O. Henry’s novella The Last Leaf. It is necessary to fall off this last leaf of ivy from the branch and the life of Johnsy, which in the rainy, cold November, was ill with pneumonia. And here, thinking about the moments, involuntarily turn to R. Kipling’s poem “Letter to his son.” It contains such piercing lines that complete the work: When you know the price every minute, when you take everything from it, then I know: you are the person and the land you will call all.

Probably. each of us at least once in his life met with people who are confident in their own superiority over others. Communicate with such people is impossible – they see and hear only themselves. They do not want to hear comments and criticism, because they love themselves unlimitedly. They cause dislike, reluctance to communicate with them. “If a person makes his goal something vain, that is, insignificant, insignificant, then there is no interest in the case, and interest in himself… It is, for example, moral vanity, when a man in his actions believes his superiority and generally shows more interest in himself than in business, “Hegel wrote. And indeed, people who consider themselves to be something higher and more significant than others do not in fact have any objective reasons to be so proud. They have an incredibly high self-esteem.

I’m in sixth class. and, of course, I really want to graduate from high school. Without secondary education can not do, it’s understandable. At school, we comprehend the basics of all the necessary knowledge: native language and literature, algebra and geometry, biology, physics and chemistry, astronomy, history and jurisprudence, many practical skills in labor lessons, different for boys and girls. But recently, my friends and I argued: do we have to study all school subjects and do we need to get higher education? After all, now a lot of people work, having a very narrow specialization or completely out of the specialty that is indicated in their diploma, my classmates told me. Why math the subtleties of the Russian language, and the historian – the basis of chemistry? I do not agree with my friends.

School essay on the example of the book by Svetlana Alekseevich “The war has an unfriendly face.” Who would that did not say, but the world history and the history of its own people – this is not the information from the column “Everyone should know this.” The study of history is not the assimilation of information, it is not the remembering of such a humanitarian multiplication table: the history of the people needs not to be learned, but as far as their moral abilities are concerned, to comprehend and experience. It is to experience the “real” – the more real and terrible it is. Because of some inner mystery, or behind a call of natural interest in historical events, I asked my teacher for a book not about the official side of the war: I did not want to read “so many millions of dead” – since this sentence scares not so much by the figure,

About six decades ago, the last explosions of the Great Patriotic War were heard. Hundreds of thousands of men returned home, having experienced and endured the most brutal trials that ever fell to the lot of humanity. Many millions gave their lives for their homeland. These heroes fell on the battlefields, in the hell of the concentration camps, in the forests and the seas. Everywhere. Nowadays they say that there are no more riddles left, we already know everything about the Second World War. If there really is no more secrets, then why does it grieve in the soul, when the Second World War plays, “Get up a huge country”? When leafing through old albums with photos, if we see some kind of grief, sorrow and awe awakening involuntarily in the soul. The photographs depict those who have not existed since the war and those who have survived to the present day. And where is the milestone, which passes between our present modern world and the world that has remained on the other side of television cranes that showed him the truthful scary pictures of the war? And yet, not everything is said about this war…



