Composition “Happy time of childhood”

Childhood is a beautiful and happy time when a person lives without worries. But it only seems at first glance that as a child, a growing person does not have any problems, that his life is full of joys, that there is no anxiety. Leo Tolstoy in his trilogy “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth” clearly showed how the formation of the personality of a person from childhood to adolescence.

And yet childhood is a golden time, when the world around us is discovered, filled with so many mysteries, a world beautiful and inviting, a world in which it is so interesting to live. The protagonist of the trilogy, Nikolenka Irteniev, like any other child, is experiencing first pleasures, making first discoveries, experiencing first disappointments and experiencing great grief. He learns to be a man with his strengths and weaknesses. Tolstoy without embellishment shows all the good that is in his hero, and all the hideous, shameful that is also present in it. Nicholas, frustrated by the upcoming departure, everything is annoying. Karl Ivanovich seems to him nasty, angry. And the hood and the robe – everything causes discontent in the boy. But he calmed down, reconciled with his teacher and wondered how he could think so badly about him.

Childhood is therefore called golden sometimes, that the child lives, above all, his feelings, he is not constrained by the conventions of adult life. If it hurts, he cries, if he is happy, he expresses his enthusiasm vigorously. In the same way, love and cruelty are manifested in the child. Nicholas is in love with Sergei Ivin. He admires the strength, boy’s dexterity, his courage. Everything in him seems beautiful to Nikolenka. And together with his idol, the hero participates in mockery of the weak and defenseless Ilenka Grapa. And yet something stirred in the boy’s soul. Intuitively, he felt that he was acting badly. Awareness of all the cruelty and unattractiveness of the action will come to Nikolenka a little later.

Tolstoy gradually, step by step analyzing every act of his hero, reveals to the reader the “dialectic of the soul” – the complex and diverse world of childhood experiences, the emergence of the person’s personality, his spiritual growth.



