Soon I will finish school and go to the building college. And then to the university – this is as lucky, but in general I really want to have a higher education. Now, in order to enter the budgetary form of education, I study mathematics with my tutor, I go to her twice a week. Maybe I will someday plan and design new buildings.
But while I’m not very interested in the construction of new buildings and structures. I’m more interested in the restoration of old buildings, and also in the reconstruction of those buildings that need it. And I would like to be engaged in repair: current and capital. That is, to restore a beautiful view and a safe state of houses, shops, other structures.
I thought a little and – eureka! I’m still interested in building dwelling houses, planning and designing them so that they turn out to be cozy, economical. After all, the skill of builders and designers depends on how well the house is warm, comfortable and comfortable.
Since childhood, my parents have noticed me as a builder. In very small: I loved to collect houses and cars from a children’s designer, to build from the sand unthinkable castles and palaces. Later, I began to get involved in a real repair. We with my father and sister glued wallpaper in the house, painted windows, hung a false ceiling, fastened carved door handles… What we did not do! They also made shiny stars on a new ceiling. They then every night very beautifully shone in the moonlight.
I am very supportive in choosing a profession builder my parents. They help me in many ways: they pay tutors, they are ready to support me financially when I study. Probably, I will live in a hostel, and my mother and father told me that everything possible will be done for me. Parents praise my choice, and I’m sure they will be proud of me.
When I think about my future profession, in the first I’m interested in its usefulness and practicality. There are many professions that are in fashion today, which everyone dreams about. For example, an economist, a lawyer, a journalist, an advertiser, a manager.
But a fashionable profession is not always so necessary in society, as graduates of schools think. Then, for example, it’s hard to find a job with hundreds of people like you. So in choosing my specialty, I will not look at fashion and advertising. I want to become a builder.
Why did I make such a choice? The profession of a builder is a real man’s profession. It is very interesting and requires high qualification. She is responsible and highly paid, because it is very in demand. Skillful builders are always necessary, because, if you do not want to, you need to build new buildings. Old houses are destroyed with time. Even in order to reconstruct an old building, the work of builders is needed: engineers, superintendents, skilled workers.
The cities will not do without new high-rise buildings, office buildings, shopping centers. I would like to build different buildings. For example, business centers or exhibition halls of super-modern architecture. I saw similar buildings in the photo on the Internet and in magazines. I would also like to put my hand to creating comfortable and spacious houses, apartments for people. So that no one lives in cramped and inconvenient.
You can build another theater in the old style. Such that it was impossible to distinguish it from the masterpieces of world architecture. Or a unique bridge across the river, both across the Dnieper and the Volga. And I do not even say that good builders are very necessary, when a new factory or factory is being created somewhere. It’s not enough to come up with new technologies, people are still needed who will implement them! And these people are builders.
From the labor of the builder there is always practical benefit. I chose the profession of a builder, because I want to see the real result of my work. And I want to see that people need this result, that they are happy with the beauty and comfort of the buildings that I built.
Composition “Construction”