Composing a culture of speech

To date, the problem of the culture of speech is very urgent and very urgent for modern society. The appearance in the Russian language of a lot of foreign words, sometimes not quite decent, “litter” the purity and depth of feelings that can be conveyed with his help.

For a long time the word was one of the most powerful tools that could make a person happy and offend. With the help of words, poets of different epochs and states shared their thoughts and experiences with other people. This was especially evident in the Russian language and literature. This is one of the most complex languages ​​in the world, which is not fully understood by everyone. On the “great and mighty” wrote the immortal works of the brilliant poets of the nineteenth century – AS Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, LN Tolstoy; continued the writers of the twentieth century – AA Akhmatova, AI Solzhenitsyn, etc. Their works are considered a model and symbol of the culture of speech, despite the fact that some words have already disappeared.

It is on the works of classics that you understand the beauty and power of words. All tsarist, Soviet and modern Russia read and read their works with rapture and spiritual delight. In the nineteenth century, in my opinion, the culture of the Russian language was at the highest level of its development. The speech was constantly enriched with new words, phrases, aphorisms. Therefore, this era went down in history as the “golden age of Russian literature”. The contribution of Russian writers to their native speech is simply impossible to estimate!

With the passage of time, the culture of speech changed, but, unfortunately, not always for the better. Now there is an opinion that the Russian language without profanity is not Russian. In my opinion, this is not so. After all, any feelings, thoughts, emotions, experiences can always be stated using a beautiful, capacious and clear speech.

I believe that the culture of speech is the ability of a person to tell about the state of his soul with the help of a huge number of words that are in our language.

The culture of speech is the most complex art that needs to be studied throughout life. We must constantly improve, fill up the vocabulary, learn more and more new words.

And then, I think, we all together will be able to revive the former greatness of the Russian language, save it from obscene utterances and make it crystal clear.



