In the center of Kuprin’s story “Lilac Bush” there are two heroes – a young officer Almazov and his wife Vera. We learn that Almazov is trying to enter the Academy of the General Staff for the third year. For the hero it is very important – Almazov at the limit of his abilities passes exams, because he does not want to go back to his regiment, and even with complete defeat. This is a very proud person, who has great ambitions. But, at the same time, Almazov is weak, his support, “the strong hand” is the wife of Vera.
This woman is stronger, bold and bright than her husband. However, the heroine does not live her life, she is all in the cares and affairs of her husband. His admission to the Academy is the business of her life. That’s why Verochka decides to cheat the professor, who took Almazov’s last exam – the plan of the area. Due to accidental negligence, a blotting pedantic German did not accept the drawing. A desperate officer comes home almost crying. Of course, Vera could not see her husband in this state. Therefore, she decides on a daring, ignoble act – to deceive the professor, to plant bushes in the place where they were on the plan of Almazov.
Having pawned the last jewels in the pawnshop, at night, the heroine convinces the gardener to send his people out of town, she goes with them and her husband, controls the whole process to the end. And only when Almazov gets a long-awaited evaluation, Verochka calms down. The hero is happy too – his dream came true, he will finally enter the Academy.
None of these heroes thinks that they committed an immoral act. For Almazov, it does not matter, the main thing is that he achieved his goal, satisfied his ambitions. For Verochka, this also does not matter, because she did everything she could for a beloved husband.
Thus, the characters of the “Lilac Bush” are very different, but perfectly complement each other. Almazov is weak and cowardly, but excessively ambitious, and Verochka is strong, determined, bright, but completely absorbed in her love for her pathetic husband.