I know that there are people with very big money. They think that they can buy everything. And, indeed, they have beautiful apartments or even houses, they drive beautiful cars. They are expensive clothes, rich jewelry. It seemed to live and rejoice. But my parents say that such people are no happier than those who have a modest income.
You can not buy happiness with money. And what is it to be happy? To be happy means to have a strong, united family, a favorite job, loyal friends and, of course, health.
I understand that money plays a big role in a person’s life, but at the same time, how can you buy the sincere disposition of people around you for money? You can buy expensive paints, equipment, a luxurious art workshop, but how to create a masterpiece on the canvas, if you do not have talent? And you can not buy talent for money. No money will make you a poet, a musician…
Money will not make a man more orderly. For money you can not buy love, dawn, the charm of early spring or the freshness of the first snow. For money, you can not buy a child’s smile and you will not acquire a good heart if your indifferent and hard-hearted. And there are no shops where the life spent in the petty vanity is sold, where immortality is sold.
A person can leave on the earth about himself a good memory of his good deeds, a good attitude towards people.