Biography Vampilov Alexander Valentinovich

(1937 – 1972)

Vampilov Alexander Valentinovich (1937 – 1972), playwright.
He was born on August 19 in the old Siberian village of Kutulik, Irkutsk region, in the family of a teacher, a bright and outstanding personality who died tragically early in life (was repressed), leaving four children. Children and teenage years passed in their home.
After graduating from high school, Vampilov goes to the philological faculty of Irkutsk University, where he begins to think seriously about literary creativity. In 1958 in the university newspaper under the pseudonym A. Sanin was first published the story “Context of circumstances” (later gave the name and his first collection of short stories, published in Irkutsk in 1961). After graduation, he worked in the Irkutsk newspaper “Soviet Youth” (was accepted to the post of stenographer) as a correspondent (on the instructions of the editorial staff he wrote essays). Here he published his stories.
In 1963 – 65 Vampilov studied in Moscow at the Higher Literary Courses at the Literary Institute. M. Gorky. He approached many of Moscow’s writers and directors (A. Tvardovsky and V. Rozov, etc., O. Efremov and G. Tovstonogov, and others). After returning to Irkutsk in the almanacs “Angara” and “Siberia”, all of his dramatic works were published (“Farewell in June”, 1964, “The Elder Son”, 1965, “Duck Hunting”, 1968, “Last Summer in Chulimsk”, 1971 , one-act plays “Twenty Minutes with the Angel”, 1962, and “The History with the Metrange”, 1971, later united under the general title “Provincial Anecdotes”).
All Vampilov’s plays were staged and do not leave the stage until now. In 1972, A. Vampilov tragically died on August 17, drowning in Lake Baikal.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

Biography Vampilov Alexander Valentinovich